I picked up 16 bantams last Thursday at TSC they're mostly buff and black cochins but some of those are turning out to be frizzled! Two are porcelain de uccle and two are barred rocks ( I think)
You guys seem to have a better variety than u. In ct,all we have at the 5 stores closest to me is brown str leghorns,wh leghorn pullets,red pulets or gc,str buff brahmas ,mixed str bantams Cornish rocks or duck.I hope this comming week will be different I would really like some rir,buff orps,brr lorps or langshans or some kind of maran or ameraunauna or even Ee,something different at least
Oh jeez...
That is all an example of why I wanted to buy from AgWay in Norwich- those folks know where the chicks come from, sexing %s, what breeds are arriving, if they are sexed/SR, some specifics of the breeds, when they are arriving and they even post a rooster board to help customers offload accidental roos that they purchase. And that was all from a short conversation that started with "Do you know what breed chickens will be arriving this spring?"

But they aren't getting any until the END of March and I was WAY too impatient for that.

I agree about the bantams... I guess I'd never seen day old bantams before, but they are CUUUUUTE!!! I totally get it. I totally understand how chicken math works now and how easy it is to justify "extra" birds.
That's too far for me to drive for chicks,wish there was an agway near me in the northwest part of ct,just got back from tsc in Farmington and picked up 6 str buff brahmas my son had to have.He saved up some of his allowance money!
TSC in Mt Airy had, as of today when I made an emergency medication run, Bramahas, pullets of some sort, red sex links, Cornish crosses, Peking ducks. The bantams were all gone, mallards were all gone. Everything but the Brahamas came on Thursday. The guy handling them is the best...he dug through all the posts to get me the best ones when I was buying gate posts this summer. He always talks to my boys and helps me load my car, without asking.

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