WHAT!?!? All the TSCs near me don't even have RIR! Not to mention Golden Campines and Russian Orloffs!
Ours usually has assorted pullets, assorted red pullets, and cornish rocks, but the day that they get the chicks in they usually have some more exciting breeds... which sell out really fast! It's an awesome way to add a little extra color to your flock.... provided you can tell what they are! They're always mixed together, and sometimes mislabeled, like my RIR Orloffs.
I picked up 6 RIRs from our TSC yesterday. I don't know enough about chickens to know if that's what they actually are or not. :lau

If you post a picture, it will be easy enough for experienced eyes to tell if they'll be red. The bin I saw mislabeled as gold laced Wyandottes was full of chicks of many colors with puffy cheeks and greenish legs. It was oh-so-obvious but I wondered after they refused to listen to reason how many folks were later shocked by green eggs.
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The people at my tsc swear they aren't mislabled. Said they had rir and iowa blue and california gray in one bin but didn't know which was which. They assorted bantams are cochins being sold as silkies. I really want to find some ee. What do the chicks look like? Should I look for the chubby cheeks and green legs? What other clues??
The people at my tsc swear they aren't mislabled. Said they had rir and iowa blue and california gray in one bin but didn't know which was which. They assorted bantams are cochins being sold as silkies. I really want to find some ee. What do the chicks look like? Should I look for the chubby cheeks and green legs? What other clues??

The face puffs with green legs are really the giveaways. There are only a few bearded breeds and I don't think any of the others have off-colored legs. So, if you find hatchery-bred chicks with both traits, you're looking at EEs.
The face puffs with green legs are really the giveaways. There are only a few bearded breeds and I don't think any of the others have off-colored legs. So, if you find hatchery-bred chicks with both traits, you're looking at EEs.

Thanks!! I'm hoping to find some more silkies too...and buff orpingtons. In the assorted pullet bin our tsc only has some white chicks. They didn't sell the first ones so they have three week old chicks in there that are pecking eachbother and look aweful. Hoping they get dif pullets in soon!
Well, we got more Cornish, RIR and Sicilian buttercups in again. Unfortunately, still no Brahma.

But I did break down and buy some ducks. Not sure what they are though.

My chicks from TSC are right at a month old and all of a sudden, they look big! Like the black giants are tall and the wyandottes have obvious lacing on real feathers, not just fuzz. When did this happen and how did it sneak up on me when I am out there every morning and evening?

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