I got my 7 TSC chicks yesterday. I got 4 GSL's, 1 bantam and one that was in the pullet bin, but I don't know enough about chicken breeds to know what it is.

They had plain ducks (one person bought all of them while I was there), RIR's, white leghorns, the GSL's, pullets and straight run bantams. All the bantams were the same; sort of black with some grey and white bellies. Some had feathered legs and I got one of those. The TSC worker thinks that she/he is a she, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

The bantam: (any idea on what kind it is?)

The pullet that I would love some help identifying:


Actually one of the yellow chicks was also from the pullet bin, but it looks just like the other GSL's, so I guess she's probably a GSL too.

These are my first chicks. I had to really restrain myself and not get more. :)

They are very healthy and active.

BTW, this was the TSC in Billings, MT. I had also been to the one in Laurel but they only had RIR's and production chicks. And they sold out really fast.

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Question :i know u have to get a of min.6 of chickens or ducks, do u have to get 6 each or can u mix?
It depends on your state. We are in CT and we can get 6 of any bird, so we are able to mix chicks and ducks. We are right on the border of Mass though, and they have a minimum of 24 ducks, but a minimum of 6 chicks. Your local TSC should be able to tell you what you are able to do. If you are right on a border like me, and yours has rules that aren't convenient for you, you can try another state.
It depends on your state.  We are in CT and we can get 6 of any bird, so we are able to mix chicks and ducks.  We are right on the border of Mass though, and they have a minimum of 24 ducks, but a minimum of 6 chicks.  Your local TSC should be able to tell you what you are able to do.  If you are right on a border like me, and yours has rules that aren't convenient for you, you can try another state.

Who the heck needs 24 ducklings?? Oh wait. I have 30 chicks in my bathroom.
Went back to TS today and spoke with a knowledgeable employee. He told me that the bantams are silkies. The brown stripey chick is an Americauna. The cream-colored GSL's are roosters. Oops. But at least I got 2 hens also. The cream-colored pullet from the pullet bin (that looked like a GSL) is probably a white rock. The roo's are already bigger than the others.

We're going to go back when they get their next shipment in on Wed. and try to get more EE's and maybe another silkie.

I think the GSL sign was confusing. At least to my chick-addled brain, it was! I didn't realize that they were straight run. We'll have to rehome the GSL roosters, which gives me an excuse to get more EE's. lol
I picked up my chicks a couple days ago. I chose 3 Golden Laced Wyandottes and 3 red pullets. Can't wait to see what the red pullets will be.
Went today to the Lancaster, Ohio store and they had:

Red Sex Links $2.99
Black Sex Links $2.99
Assorted Bantums $2.99
Tetra Tint $0.75 (Clearanced, they had been at the store for a week as of yesterday)
Ducks $4.99

My English Setter picked out a Black Sex Link and then herded a couple of the Tetra Tints so that is what we brought home.

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