I love those names of your chicken. My store was closed today...but will reopen tomorrow so I can go a chicken hunting.
got our 8 for TSC in PA 2 leghorns, 2 SS and 4 red stars. all were pullets except for the SS's they were straight run. foghorn Pox Drumstick Omelet Dumpling Teriyaki noodle Nugget Hope you enjoyed!!
Woke up this morning and teriyaki has passed..will TSC replace or let me just buy one to replace her? Only had her 4 days. She passed sometime lastnight. Had no idea she was even sick
The ducks we got from there will be 4 weeks in a couple days and ate doing wonderful. Think it might have just been all the stress from getting shipped ( they just got the shipment of red stats the day I got her and the others) plus me buying her and moving her yet again didn't help. Others are getting electrolytes and vitamins to help the rest make it. She showed no sign of bring ill. I had her out night before and she seemed fine..hoping TSC will replace..
Woke up this morning and teriyaki has passed..will TSC replace or let me just buy one to replace her? Only had her 4 days. She passed sometime lastnight. Had no idea she was even sick

I've heard that they can get around the minimum by selling one as "snake food". You might mention it if anyone gives you a hard time but I would hope they'd replace it since it was only a few days.

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