TULSA area Cluckers

Oh no Reagor, I am SO sorry for you! That is terrible!!! All your chicks and EVERYTHING? Your daughter must be heartbroken!!!! Wish I could help you out, don't have any layers available right now.

:) Yes, yes it is. My kids sometimes fake a sore throat or cough because they know I will give them a spoonful of honey to sooth it...
Totally understand that. I have a friend who got a LGD pup for their chickens and goats a few months ago, Great Pyrenese I think. Do you want me to ask for the info from the person they got them from? They may have more pups still for sale. If you get a pup though you definitely want to already have at least a few chickens so you can train it to be good around them. That's my understanding at least I've never done it.

That would be great! Thank you. I think I'll get the coop fixed up with welded wire around the base and up 4ft around the bottom, in addition to the chicken wire. I think I'll pick up a few year old hens next week. I'm gonna try and find an older dog, about 6 months+. I just don't want to have to deal with a puppy right now.
How's everyone doing today? This weather is amazing! Cleaning up the house and yard with the kids and just can't believe how nice it is outt. Hope everyone is enjoying it.
Very much so- enjoying the silence as the baby is napping and hubby went to help a friend move furniture!
Gotta go start dinner soon though...

We decided last week if we are serious about doing breeding next spring we need a better set up for our chicks, got some metal shelves from Craigslist and are going to turn 2 or 3 of the shelves into brooding shelves with installed lights, PVC feeders on the side (so we can only feed once a week if needed), and small gauge hardware wire bottoms with slide out poop trays. It's on the TO-DO list for next weekend! Wish us luck!

Also thinking about cabinet-style incubator, found one on CL we may call about... we are using two styrofoam ones right now (one is borrowed) and I already know that is not going to be NEARLY enough room come spring!

Waiting to hear from a lady that was supposed to save us some French Black Copper Maran hatching eggs, we have a pair right now and four chicks but wanted to have some selection for the breeding since they can be hard to get to SOP.

So we are super excited for spring already! Oh yeah, we still have to finish coops and feeders! Eek gotta get busy!


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