TULSA area Cluckers


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 21, 2012
Tulsa, OK
Calling out to other BYC lovers in the Tulsa area!!!

Our numbers are growing! Muah-hahaha... (lol)

There seem to be more and more urban chickens around Tulsa these days!!! In the past 6 months alone, I've seen 5 of my friends invest in chickens of their own!!

We make our coops using as much re-purposed materials as possible and have had enormous success!! Here's my happy helper, sizing up the brooder box we installed on this old dog house.. :)


I know there are even more urban homesteads around the Tulsa area, and I look forward to seeing pictures of other backyard efforts!! :D


...try an Easter Egger chicken for naturally colored eggs!!!! :D
Hola Tulsa cluckers! I too would like to see how many other backyard chicken enthusiasts are in and around the Tulsa area.
There has to be plenty of us out there, I mean, who doesnt like super fresh eggs at any moments whim?

So come on Tulsa, start clucking!
We are here in Tulsa, too, planning our coop right now. We are hoping to have 12-15 black copper marans by this summer, we have a lady up near Claremore way waiting on our go-ahead to hatch a batch for us. So excited! Two of our neighbors have chickens, too. We already have beehives and are excited to try chickens as well!
Great to hear!...and welcome to the Tulsa group!!! :)

I found someone in Broken Arrow the other day who turned out to have both the French Black Copper Maran and Blue/Black Ameraucana chicks I've been wanting, to go along with the Easter Egger chicks I just hatched! Next year's flock promises to deliver a gorgeous array of colored eggs!!!

We'd love to see pictures of your home built coop when its finished... Also, if you decide to hatch any on your own in the future, its pretty easy to build an incubator and I'd be happy to show off our setup... :D
Hello! We're newbies in Tulsa. We got our girls about a month ago - Ellie is a Black Australorp and Heidi is is Golden Laced Wyandotte.
Hello! We're newbies in Tulsa. We got our girls about a month ago - Ellie is a Black Australorp and Heidi is is Golden Laced Wyandotte.

we have several members from the tulsa area. i am from wagoner, we have members from b.a., coweta, haskell, muskogee, pretty much from everywhere around close and statewide.

there is another HUGE thread called okies in the byc most of us hang out in, you just have to watchout for SOME OF THE GURLS THERE!

most everyone is nice, but some of the gurls are mean! at least they are to me, and i dont deserve it!

anyway, comeover and join us, we are haveing a get together in muskogee the 16th of next month, so there will be plenty of birds to fill your dreams there, and empty your pockets if you dont watch out!
Great to hear!...and welcome to the Tulsa group!!! :)

I found someone in Broken Arrow the other day who turned out to have both the French Black Copper Maran and Blue/Black Ameraucana chicks I've been wanting, to go along with the Easter Egger chicks I just hatched! Next year's flock promises to deliver a gorgeous array of colored eggs!!!

We'd love to see pictures of your home built coop when its finished... Also, if you decide to hatch any on your own in the future, its pretty easy to build an incubator and I'd be happy to show off our setup... :D
I will absolutely pick your brain when we are ready for an incubator! We finally decided to just buy a coop we found on Craigslist. I think it will work well for what we need. Spent Memorial Day and today getting a run built, we are hoping to free range but need a place to keep the chickies safe while we introduce our dogs. I wanted to wait until NEOCS to get chickens but I think chicken fever has a pretty good hold on my husband and I think he is scheming to make some stops tomorrow based on some Craigslist prints I found LOL. Here's what we went with:

Coop is 5x5 with optional divider in the middle, 4 nest boxes on each side and 3 roost bars, pop doors on each end and front and back doors for egg access/cleaning access. I wanted the egg doors nearest the house for convenience. The coop included panels to attach over the open sides in the winter to keep it warmer, it is also designed so we can run electric and keep a light on inside in the winter to hopefully get more consistent egg laying. We made the run 6x12. It is moveable although heavy, I think my husband wants to put wheels on it eventually and maybe the coop too. He is stuck in this idea that it HAS to be moveable. Which just complicates everything!

Oh, and just to tease you:

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