Turkenstein25's Turkey Talk for 2015


Yep 17 for sure... Lol
They are...boy I thought chicks were loud...poult can be down right deafening! Lol

Moved her into bigger quarters yesterday...she wants so bad to free range, but till the lils are bigger I don't want to take a chance...
Bookmarking this thread so I can bug you all with my newbie questions. We ordered fifteen Bourbon Red poults from Strombergs, they should be here tomorrow.
They are cute. That hatch rate is also impressive.


Did you let the hen have them all or did you brood the last poults.

She has all 17 in with her. My Dad built my incubator and used it himself for a couple of years before he gave it to me.

I have Used it 3 times now. My first hatch was 85%, second was 100%, third 87%...

My Dad says I should do custom hatching for people...I wouldn't know what to charge though...

Godiva is a good mother...she was a little stressed last night when we moved everyone to the larger pen, but she settled down fairly quickly...

I have one more pen to step them up to as they grow, and at 6 to 8 weeks I will start letting them have some yard time...

I let them wander briefly last night, but rounding up 17 of those lil buggers was quite the challenge! Lol it'll be easier when they are older and listen a lil better, and can be trained to return to a roost!

I am still debating whether I want to sell some now...Or wait till they are bigger...correct me if I'm wrong, but the older/bigger they are the more I can charge...

I also might see if I can't trade 1 or 2 young ones for a young Jake that will be breeding age by next spring...

Lots of things to consider, with the predicted commercial turkey shortage and all...

Any input from the experienced turkey breeders would be very welcome!

I can't tell you how much I appreciate and enjoy this thread!

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