Turkey and Duck fighting???

ozark hen

Living My Dream
15 Years
Apr 4, 2007
Mansfield, MO
I have a Bourbon Red hen who hatched a duck egg this past spring. He (the muscovy duck) is full grown now. A couple weeks ago, I gave away 13 muscovy ducklings. The people were catching them and upset the rest of the poultry...afterward the hen attacked the duck and the fight was on! Now everytime they see each other they attack each other? I have no idea what is going on here. I am keeping the hen turkey separate now as she is setting on eggs in the fenced in garden. But every time I let her out she goes after my male duck. Anyone else ever have this happen? Thanks in advance
I remember the shots you posted of the Bourbons (think your husband was sitting in chair?). Our hens and, occasionally our jakes are currently running the low-grade Spring hormone fling better known as Fall. Our hens bite and trill at one another then all gang up on one of the jakes or toms. Usually lasts for a couple of hours and then fades back into foraging. Not having ducks can't say for sure this is what it is. Place them out of sight of each other for 48hr. then let them out - memories are usually pretty short.

Good luck!
Thanks, I will try that as it is freaking me out. They were all getting along fine and this happened all of a sudden. The only thing the Tom goes after is people!! lol I was afraid they would kill one another. I will keep them separated for a few days and see what happens. And yes, same turkeys...they will sit on husband's lap and fall asleep.

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