Twin Chicks Double yolk


None of the old batch survived the spike. I currently have 3 multiple yolked eggs in the incubator. My Roo is. Very good at "doing his job" but we think one egg may be infertile
The double yolks didn't make it. The triple was never fertilized (which is possibly for the best)I was hoping that the one double with the one quitter would pull through but I guess the death off the other may have infected it. :(

Buuuuuuuuut I still have hope for the 6 singles. Managed to grab some video of them wriggling around. If I can figure out how to share video from my phone I would love to show you.

Sorry to get everyone excited. I'm a bit bummed about it to but we all knew it was a long shot and I'm willing to try again with the next chance I get :)

On a different note does anyone know if a Cochin/RiR mixes are good dual purpos birds?
This is just a test hatch anyway. I'm not so much concerned about the quality of the birds as I am in testing out the incubator. :)
Sometimes my first season mixes are some of the coolest looking birds... Really interesting feather patterns and body shapes can be a result!
I'm looking forward to seeing these little guys. I have a black Cochin roo. The eggs that are in the incubator ate from RiR, nhr and whatever the heck Cookie is. There are 2 more doubles incubating as of yesterday.



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