Twin Chicks Double yolk

My Welsummer is full grown and had been laying for almost a year. I still get bantam eggs from her
My Austerloupe Fat Mama just hatched out 6 mutt eggs and the smallest egg was the first to hatch. It looked like a pullet egg. The chick that hatched was a fair bit smaller then the rest but is keeping up with the crew.
I have been hatching eggs for years using hens (chickens, ducks, peahens, guineas, etc.) and incubators. I have always gotten a 100% or close to it hatch with the mommas au natural. Never even close to a 100% hatch with incubators. With birds, momma does know best. No comparison. Just saying.
i have also seen the video the second twin almost didn't make it but he did. yay.
You should never try "assisting" before the chick pips on its own (breaks through the shell). Even then, wait a few hours before you arbitrarily intrude -- hatching can sometimes take several hours. I know how hard it is to leave them alone, but if you break them out too soon, they won't have absorbed the egg yolk and then you've probably killed the chick. Better to let nature take its course until you actually see that nature needs help!
i have made the mistake of helping hatch a quail chick and he was paralyzed for life and could only lay on his stomach. it was pretty cute because he would look up at you and peep for food and water. apart from not being able to walk he was completely normal. but not the best way of life in my opinion.
Don't forget to write the dates they were laid on the eggs. Or the day they are to hatch. Very easy to forget. Good Luck.

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