UK Member Please Say HI

Hi I'm new to byc i'm a uk national and live in Co Durham North east England I've just bought 6 chicks 11weeks old for £2.50 each I feel this is a bargain as I've just took on an allotment its all going well abit to well I think

Hi and welcome from a neighbour in Co Durham. I'm near Consett, where are you?

Congratulations on your purchase. What breed are your chicks? They are definitely a bargain if they are all pullets.... did you get them direct from a breeder or at auction?

Good luck with them. I hope all continues to go smoothly.

Best wishes


Hi Barbara :D No need for apologies at all. I'd seen you online so guessed you must be OK and not have hit the deck! Been a mad house here and I'd not posted much over this week. My Nanna is in hospital having had a bladder tumour removed and it's not quite gone according to plan. She's 88 though so I was guessing it wasn't going to be plain sailing. Hospital is about an hour drive away so taking that into account and the actual visiting it can be a 4-5 hour job. Then everything is to be caught up on when I get home. My mum and dad are away on holiday too so I've been trying to make sure she has at least one visitor everyday. Hoping things are sounding better when I get there this afternoon :fl

I'm sorry to hear about Wilma :hugs Its always very sad when special ones are lost. Sounded like a peaceful passing for her though. Oh you set some eggs :woot Good on you! I've got no option right now but yo keep the incubator off, the shed has got full of even more stuff out of the garage so it's a definite no no for me right now. Had upset in one of my polish groups, don't know what has gone off but they singled one hen out and proceeded to try and kill her. Not the usual squabbles but all out kill :( I've had to seperate her as it was all out war. Dont know why as they were all hatched together and have lived quite happy for 2 1/2 years until this.

Only managed to get out on Harry this morning what with one thing and another. He was good though and we had a nice ride. Bronking in a western saddle sounds no fun at all for you! Only ever had one go with a western and I wasn't keen at all. Just didn't feel right sat on top of the horse.
Give me a GP saddle any day!

I need to shoot off now for visiting, hope your having a lovely Sunday no you got all your jobs done yesterday. I love a good fire!

Catch you soon Barbara
Kim xx
Hi I'm new to byc i'm a uk national and live in Co Durham North east England I've just bought 6 chicks 11weeks old for £2.50 each I feel this is a bargain as I've just took on an allotment its all going well abit to well I think

Hi :welcome & the thread :frow

You sure have a bargain there if they are female! Do you have pics?

Enjoy your time here on BYC.
Hi @Stepop80 and @rebrascora, it's been a few years since I've been on BYC, but two days ago I bought two chocolate runner ducks approx 3 weeks old so I thought I better restart my research. I'm based in Sacriston.

I've only ever bought fully feathered/adult ducks in the past so this is new to me. Boy do those little balls of fluff make a lot of mess! It's still rather cold to be putting them outside but I hope they hurry up and grow feathers so I can reclaim the conservatory and whizz round with the hoover and a bucket of bleach!
Hi @Stepop80 and @rebrascora, it's been a few years since I've been on BYC, but two days ago I bought two chocolate runner ducks approx 3 weeks old so I thought I better restart my research. I'm based in Sacriston.

I've only ever bought fully feathered/adult ducks in the past so this is new to me. Boy do those little balls of fluff make a lot of mess! It's still rather cold to be putting them outside but I hope they hurry up and grow feathers so I can reclaim the conservatory and whizz round with the hoover and a bucket of bleach!

Hi exciting to have some baby runners...I have an adult male runner who we all adore....thought we had a duck but turned out to be a drake (my daughter named "her" Jessica, he's now called Jesse (off Breaking Bad), no problem however he's a big softie, a total gentleman and hangs out nicely with my other 4 ducks and countless chickens. Hope they feather in soon and you can get your house back!

Not sure when, or the programme name, but a good documentary on this week about 16 year olds going in to The Army....could be informative viewing for your son...!! Maybe you shouldn't watch!!! :oops:

Just googled it. Channel 5, begins October 10th @ 9pm.......It's called "Break them down, Build them up", raw recruits, squaddies at 16.
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Hi @Stepop80 and @rebrascora, it's been a few years since I've been on BYC, but two days ago I bought two chocolate runner ducks approx 3 weeks old so I thought I better restart my research. I'm based in Sacriston.
I've only ever bought fully feathered/adult ducks in the past so this is new to me. Boy do those little balls of fluff make a lot of mess! It's still rather cold to be putting them outside but I hope they hurry up and grow feathers so I can reclaim the conservatory and whizz round with the hoover and a bucket of bleach!

Hi welcome back to BYC and to the thread :frow


Not sure when, or the programme name, but a good documentary on this week about 16 year olds going in to The Army....could be informative viewing for your son...!! Maybe you shouldn't watch!!! :oops:


Just googled it. Channel 5, begins October 10th @ 9pm.......It's called "Break them down, Build them up", raw recruits, squaddies at 16.

Thanks Sasha, I had seen it advertised last week and thought that would be good for Charlie to watch to give him idea of what it would be like if he went straight in from school! The ad for it was enough for me :eek: I'm not going to stand in his way if that's really what he wants to do but this program will give him a good idea.

Hi guys,

Just joined, from UK here also!

Hi again and welcome to the thread :frow

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