UK Member Please Say HI


Im not trying to seperate this forum up but i thought it would be nice to know who and how many UK based members there are here

The main reason is then as the members in USA conduct Egg Swaps and Counrty and County based Sales and Advice then we can see who would be best to ask for local advise

So Any UK member just say Hi and state which Town/County your in

I will Start

I'm in UK, West London [Berkshire]
Just outside Kettering in Northamptonshire
hellooooo... Im originally from Hertfordshire but have moved around a bit, now living in Okehampton, west Devon, uk. We first started keeping chickens when we lived in Norfolk. Started with a mix of 'pretty' hens for eggs only, but then I saw Brahmas! Hubbys valentine prezzie one year was a huge enclosure on our allotment and a quartet of brahmas. I was totally made up :) When we moved to Devon I sold off all my brahmas and bought some layers from a local livestock auction and they have just grown from there. mmmmm think they call it chicken maths..... We now have a mix of Legbars, Maran and Old English Game. They all free range over an acre through the winter, sharing the paddock with our 3 sheep and my billy goat, Jakey. The birds will be paired up about February for breeding and am also hoping to raise some meat birds from a cross of the game and marans. We did have ducks and raised 22 for the freezer in our last year of keeping them. I loved them dearly, but they made such a mess of the paddock, so I sold off the breeding adults and bought goose eggs to raise instead. The last 5 of those, proposed for breeding next year, were killed off by a family of foxes just a couple of months ago. The only night they wouldn't go to bed :/ Oh well, another year to get it right.....
@beans2 I've been mixing a poached egg (just quicker than boiling) with some coconut oil, oats, and a little limestone flour and feeding it to her and one of the others who is also on the thin side and has had a couple of thin shells since the heatwave. They love it. She's really perked up over the last couple of days, and has her appetite back. Float test came back on the high end for all worms they test for so I've ordered a bag of premixed feed with flubenvet. Hopefully the antibiotics, tlc, and getting rid of the worms will get them all back in good health.
Hi all,
I’m from N.Ireland, Newtownards.
Have 3 Chickens, 1x Cream Legbar, 1x Light Sussex, 1x Vorwerk.
All healthy and giving me great eggs, been keeping them for about a year. Had a few Silkies for a bit but they all turned out to be Roosters... but that’s another story ... Ahem !
Learning lots from the forum, hopefully get to know a few of you later on.
Ta Ta for now
Cyril (AKA Shiver)
I've actually been terrible this hatch and have hardly any pics - I'll make an effort to go down with my good camera this afternoon. Actually I have one of her / him newborn - my goodness so tiny :love:love

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