UK Member Please Say HI

I have ten laying hens and I've been averaging 8 eggs per day.

I have two older hens (one 2 yrs old and one ten months old)

8 of my hens reached laying age in November and are doing me proud.

Bless them

"Happy birthday Barbara" :yiipchick


Sorry for making you think GG had given birth yesterday! :oops: Actually getting on and riding was worth some bunting & flags yesterday!! We even had some sun, a real bonus :D


Your wheelbarrow and fruit tress sound the perfect present, practical things are my kind of things too!! I think we are two peas in a pod, your going out just being clean and not in joddies is me all over. I would rather spend on Harry and the birds than myself.

Poor old Harry cockerel sounds like he is heading for the chop. Amazing how nature works if he is sick and they have deposed him because of this. Fingers crossed harmony will be resumed soon in your flock.

Enjoy the film tonght and your burger ;) I'd like to go see it but it's not really Charlie's thing and the other half don't like the cinema. Might see if my mum fancies it but she on some odd working right now.

Any how's I hope you have a lovely birthday today, enjoy yourself!!
I have ten laying hens and I've been averaging 8 eggs per day.

I have two older hens (one 2 yrs old and one ten months old)

8 of my hens reached laying age in November and are doing me proud.

Bless them

That's a good egg count, congrats :woot

I did even better yesterday and got a good haul of 7!! At this rate I will have to get my egg collecting basket back out :gig
hi, no i'm working and living in the South of France now.

i left the UK in 2011. i am in the middle of building a chicken coop and came to this site for a read up on chickens and how to look after them. thanks for your reply.
Hi Kim

Thanks so much for the birthday wishes and "sparkly balloon banner"
I had a feeling from the start that you were a kindred spirit!
Love the photos but you do make me jealous having access to an arena ....and sunshine too. Harry looks so well behaved!
My sister and I managed two rides yesterday, so we got all 3 horses out and MeMe had to go twice again.... only fair when when is the youngest and I am going to try to get her fit to do the local hunt fun ride in May which is about 18miles..... she did 5.75 yesterday. It was dark when we got back from the second one and it was too late to go out by the time I got all the animals finished, so no Dad's Army or burger last night, but maybe tonight or tomorrow.... since it's Valentines Day. Our first Valentines Day, Ian took me to Harry Ramsden's so Burger King would be pretty much par for the course!!

Hi Coc-o-vin and welcome to the thread and the wonderful world of chickens...Feeling pretty jealous of you right now when it's raining and sleeting here and no doubt the sun is shining gloriously in the south of France. How many chickens are you planning on keeping..... beware that whatever figure you have in mind will be almost impossible to stick to once "Chicken Maths" takes over! What breed/s are you going for and is it just for eggs or meat as well?

GGBEAR..... if you're there, put us out of our suspense.... she must surely have arrived by now???.... really hoping for your sake that you have a "not so little" bundle of joy in a crib and you're not still wallowing around like a hippo.

Congrats to Malkered on your girls egg production. 8 from 10 is excellent. I seem to be having a good day when I get 10+ and then a poor day when I just get 4 or 5. Scranner Anna has resumed laying thin shelled eggs and every now and again they get accidentally broken and eaten making a horrible sticky mess of the other eggs and nest box. I can't bring myself to cull her since she is at least trying to work for her keep, unlike some free loaders, and her eggs are huge, its just that there isn't enough shell to fit round them with enough thickness to make them stable. She's not a young bird and she's been a reliable layer for me and my friend before me, so I'm assuming her shell gland is getting tired. Sadly, I'm also getting tired of washing eggs caked in egg and cleaning nest boxes...arghh!

Think that is all my news for now.... other than Henry and the Oik had a major falling out yesterday over who is in charge and who is deputy. I'm not entirely sure who won at this point but it was a bit of a blood bath from the state of them when I found them. Harry seems to have benefitted from their falling out though, as they are not giving him nearly such a hard time!

Wishing everyone a Happy Valentines Day for tomorrow.

Best wishes

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hope all are well. its decided to start snowing here again today... grim.

i was away all of last week but my neighbour looked after the hens for me, reported 2 eggs during the week and we had another on sunday when we got back. they have all been small so am thinking its still only the one pekin who is laying. hopefully the others catch on too.

i now have the wife, child and cats back here with me so a busy house. we'll see how the cats get on with the chickens! careful supervision may be needed.
hello all sorry been a hectic week went into labour half past 2 Wednesday 10th in morning woke up with contractions every 10 mins by 4 am they were every 3 mins went to hospital told me I was 10cm dilated but I knew something was wrong
I has mo urge to push but they told me to so I did after 10 mins they got senior midwife then a bot longer doctor who examined me said she was stuck coming neck first told me she was gonna put a spinal block in me see if they could turn her and g set her out with forceps let me tell u having a needle in your back having to sit still while having contractions is no fun
anyway she had a look and said no chance we can't get her through your pelvis so emergency c section she was 10lb 7oz but a lot longer and broader than my last they discharged me on the 11th but I'm in agony I bled alot I'm bruised upto my chest because I was on injections to thin my blood and I've bled under the skin still husband waiting on me hand and foot
pictures coming Aiyla Dawn all good

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