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So of the 4 "new" eggs, one hatchet last night, one hatched mid morning today. No movement from the other two. But the two so far look different types etc so likely that those four aren't due at the same time.

The original four are still there. Day 21 is tomorrow so hopefully we get something from them over the next two days. Then hopefully a couple of meat birds and if some are odd/desireable breeds we may rehome them instead.

Very difficult not to keep looking but the hen was fairly happy to let me handle the oldest chick today. I'll keep you all posted!

Exciting times! My broodies are quite late to set this year so I'm a fair way behind yours, they have shifted around the nests and abandoned for a few hours at a time (though they are determined now) so maybe the warm weather has helped I dont know yet. Look forward to hearing about your new chicks (some piccies would be great)....any Orpington's and I'll have them!! Best of luck.
Hi @Yorkshirecoop My lovely Orp is doing beautifully thank you. I still have no idea what that blip was last Friday but she's back to full strength now. I have 3 broodies (a Sussex, an Indian Game Bird and my old faithful Partridge Wyandotte) brooding over about 15 or so eggs (a right old mixture of eggs i must say!) between them so we'll see if anything occurs there. I leave them to it and last year was fairly successful so i don't like to intervene other than kicking them outside once a day (not literally!) to eat and go to the toilet. Rain has just arrived here but the ground does need it. Football is shortly to take over in my house, dont mind it at all but I'll be glad of the distraction of the birds soon! Happy weekend all xx

That sure is great news :highfive:
Good luck with the broodies, I guessed you did not mean literally off the nest! :gig
Thank goodness football is not a big thing in our house so I get let off. More into rugby here. Better to watch and not as much rolling around feigning injury!!
Like a bit of horse racing too and the horse and country Chanel. With that they can watch their shooting programmes and I can watch the horsey horsey ones ;)

So of the 4 "new" eggs, one hatchet last night, one hatched mid morning today. No movement from the other two. But the two so far look different types etc so likely that those four aren't due at the same time.

The original four are still there. Day 21 is tomorrow so hopefully we get something from them over the next two days. Then hopefully a couple of meat birds and if some are odd/desireable breeds we may rehome them instead.

Very difficult not to keep looking but the hen was fairly happy to let me handle the oldest chick today. I'll keep you all posted!

Any action? :pop

Hi all, I am new this group. From Consett, County Durham

Hi there agian and welcome to the thread :frow
Glad you could pop over here and I'm sure @rebrascora will pop in to say hello, you are neighbors so to speak!!
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That sure is great news :highfive:
Good luck with the broodies, I guessed you did not mean literally off the nest! :gig
Thank goodness football is not a big thing in our house so I get let off. More into rugby here. Better to watch and not as much rolling around feigning injury!!
Like a bit of horse racing too and the horse and country Chanel. With that they can watch their shooting programmes and I can watch the horsey horsey ones ;)
Any action? :pop
Hi there agian and welcome to the thread :frow
Glad you could pop over here and I'm sure @rebrascora will pop in to say hello, you are neighbors so to speak!!

We love the Rugby too, but footie always takes priority! I too love H&C channel, i like to catch up on Badminton and the Dressage Grand o/h has no interest though...i drag him to the County Fairs and get him to watch 30 mins max of the Showjumping if I'm lucky, i have to put up with all the gun shopping though so i reckon its all fair. All well at my end...broodies still brooding and they're becoming well versed in coming out in the morning's and sorting themselves out so it makes my job a bit easier. @philyc Any further news on the hatches? @jemini212 hi there, this is a great thread, hope you enjoy it. Have a fab weekend all xx
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The ex batts are little bullies, but all things are calming down now. The light Sussex are the tending to shy away but don't mind being handling.

Does not sound too bad, always takes a bit of time getting the pecking order sorted out.
Good you can handle them. Always a plus fur giving them a good inspection.

We love the Rugby too, but footie always takes priority! I too love H&C channel, i like to catch up on Badminton and the Dressage Grand o/h has no interest though...i drag him to the County Fairs and get him to watch 30 mins max of the Showjumping if I'm lucky, i have to put up with all the gun shopping though so i reckon its all fair. All well at my end...broodies still brooding and they're becoming well versed in coming out in the morning's and sorting themselves out so it makes my job a bit easier. @philyc Any further news on the hatches? @jemini212 hi there, this is a great thread, hope you enjoy it. Have a fab weekend all xx

Your house sounds just like ours!! He puts up with my chicken and horse hobbies and I put up with his and our sons shooting. Seems to work ok and now he has got a new gun cabinet I've got my wardrobe back!! Installed his first one without even asking, just took everything out put the cabinet in and never gave a second thought to where the clothes were going to go!! I've said "when you stop collecting guns, I will stop collecting chickens" I'm sure they don't need as many as they have :/
Charlie our son is really enjoying it though and it gets him off the PS4 and out in some fresh air ~

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@Yorkshire Coop

Hi Kim
Yes all ok here, just a bit overwhelmed with workload and body clock is out of sych again.

Good to hear you are getting out on Harry more and egg sales are going well. I hadn't ridden for about 3 weeks with everything happening but been out twice in 2 days so I have sore seat bones! Rascal was unusually strong when I asked for anything more than walk and bronked repetitively when I tried to restrict the pace to something sensible. Just had his teeth done on Tues so that shouldn't be an issue. Normally he has a lovely smooth collected trot that he will happily maintain with a very light contact and no leg, but he was having none of it yesterday. Never felt like I was in danger of coming off but wasn't the smoothest ride and felt a bit like one of those Thellwell cartoons illustrating a fat pony with it's nose on the ground furiously snorting and it's back feet in the air with a dishevelled rider valiantly trying to pull it's head up whilst bouncing 6 inched out of the saddle. I used to love those illustrations as a child but I'm really not sure I should have aspired to them! or at least aimed to be the imperious slim woman on the snooty thoroughbred hunter looking down it's nose at the scruffy fat pony with the bad manners!

Pekin chicks are growing up fast and Frances has taken them up onto the adult roosts the past few nights which has freed up the sideboard/brooder for the hen from the shed who only managed to hatch 4 of the 13 she was on and when I checked them the others were all clear, which is quite strange. Unfortunately it looks like 3 of the four may be cockerels as the hen is barred so these should be sex linked and 3 have head spots. Also 6 of the 9 Pekins are cockerels so I'm desperately hoping Tasha's clutch will make up for it and be mostly pullets, but no doubt Sods Law will apply! Not much meat on a Pekin and far to cute, so it will not be easy. Ian wants me to cull them now but I really can't countenance it as it seems such a waste. They are just 5 weeks. It looks like I have 3 lavender (2 cockerels and 1 pullet), a black pullet, 4 blues but one is getting much lighter and may end up porcelain and a white one which has a dark pattern on it's wings, which I will be interested to see how it feathers out.

I have two other broody pekins with a clutch of 9 and 10 eggs. One must be due very soon and the other has just over a week to go. I've been really remiss on keeping records this year but at least if I don't know exactly when they are due, I'm less likely to interfere.

Think that is all my news

Hope all is well with you.

Best wishes

Barbara X

Hi and welcome

Can't believe you are also in the Consett area!!

What type of chickens do you have? Are they laying well at the moment? Do you have any broodies and/or chicks?

Are those huskies in your avatar? They look beautiful. Do you drive them? (I think it's referred to as mushing with dogs isn't it but I'm a horse person, so I'll stick with terminology I know) My partner and I drive as well as ride so the idea of driving dogs is quite appealing.

Anyway, just wanted to say "hello" with you being such a near neighbour!



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