UK Member Please Say HI


Hi and welcome to the thread from the Northern powerhouse!!

What sort of poultry do you have? Tell us a bit more about your set up and interests/family etc We love to see photos too!

Look forwards to getting to know you.



Hi @rebrascora

I don't actually have anything as of yet, I was looking to get a Welsh Harlequin and a Cayuga duckling this year but It looks as though I am too late and will have to wait until February/March for them now.

and you!

At least you will have lots of time to read and prepare and scout out a good source for your ducks before next year. Ducklings are so incredibly cute but they make such a mess everywhere when they grow up....not that I am in anyway particular about keeping things overly clean and tidy but I have a feeling they might be the straw that breaks this camels back, especially considering the current chaos here!

I have chickens, chickens and more chickens.... too many to count but I do know that my broody hens have hatched 56 chicks this year and they are almost all still running around the place,.pooping everywhere and.demanding to be fed the moment they see me. I have a large mixed laying flock which free ranges in an old farmyard I rent for my horses. It started out as mostly pure breeds but is rapidly becoming a flock of multi coloured farmyard mutts that lay multi-coloured eggs. Then earlier this year I acquired some bantam pekins for down here at home which I love but I am now overrun with the little things because they go broody at the drop of a hat and of course you really can't pass up the opportunity to set some eggs! Unfortunately there is going to have to be a lot of cockerel culling sooner rather than later which I'm not looking forward to, but at least that will bring numbers down to a half reasonable level. It's the down side to raising chicks but all part of the responsibility, and at least they have had a far better life than the majority of cockerels!

Are your ducks just going to be pets? Are you wanting them for egg production or breeding perhaps.... or maybe even meat? I have to confess that duck is probably my favourite meal
Hello again everyone!
Hope you are all well and aren't melting away in the heat today. I am after a bit of advice again if anyone can help. Our other Wyandotte started sneezing and heavy breathing the other day, much like her friend had done before she passed. Luckily our next door neighbour had some antibiotics and offered to give her some for us. Well she is looking a lot better now and is eating and drinking plenty, the only problem is that ever since her injection she can't walk on her left leg, and is hopping. She ran away from us fine after it had been administered, but a few minutes after she started limping and walking on the top of her foot. Could we have damaged something with injecting her? Or is this just a temporary thing? It's been nearly three days now and there aren't any signs of it getting any better. She can't put any weight on it...I can only imagine she is experiencing the equivalent of sciatica almost? My dad thought about splinting it, though I'm not sure that would work.
Hi Georgie

How old is she? Where was the injection administered? ie leg... if so which one... or back? It is possible that the injection damaged a nerve and I'm not sure how permanent or temporary that would be. I don't think a splint will help if it is nerve damage. I have tried splinting my birds with Marek's which initially causes sciatic nerve damage and it doesn't help, in fact it just makes things more awkward and cumbersome for them.
Another option is that she sprained or broke something whilst she was being injected.... did she struggle much? Adrenaline would have helped her not notice the pain until she had got away and calmed down. Have you inspected the leg? Is there any heat or swelling in it.... or does the foot feel cold compared to the other? Do the joints appear to work ok? Does she seem to be in pain when you manipulate it or just frustrated that she can't control it. You could give her a half a baby aspirin if you feel that she is in pain. If she is struggling to get about and you feel it is a physical injury, you could make her a chicken sling or splint it of course.
Have you checked her for bumblefoot.... I know it's too much of a coincidence that she became lame right after the injection but still worth checking.

A warm Epsom salts bath might also help her feel more comfortable and perhaps allow her to work it without bearing weight.

Good luck with her.


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