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Here's the newbies...seem to be settling in okay, the usual bullying by the others but nothing unusual there!:

This is "Amba" (14 weeks old)


And here is "Roma" (7 weeks old)


Both very nervous, pretty certain they've had virtually no handling. I got a young replacement Buff Orpington a few weeks back who has never been anywhere near as nervy...quite the opposite, she's ridiculously friendly. Maybe it's just the breed. Though my last Legbar was fairly chilled out. O/H likes the new ones so much he said I can go back and get more!!!! Hmmm, might just do that, I do love those powder blue eggs in my basket.

Have a good weekend all, I'm off to our local now for a few Gin & Tonics as I'm child free tonight (thanks Mum) :). Sasha xx
They look great Sasha :D Not a breed I have kept before but blue eggs would look very nice in my basket too ;)

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth if he wants more, bite his hand off!
Enjoy your G+T's! Nothing that exciting here, I already have PJ's on :oops: I'm waiting for Charlie to get in, he has a better social life than me :lau

Hope everyone is having a good weekend? Isn't it strange with the clocks going back an hour, I wasn't sure which clock to believe this morning as some auto change and others don't :confused:

Hi Barbara!
I think I have a break through with Harry, he was a bit more perky this morning :yesss: Maybe the red cell is working? Or the Bute? Time will tell as he had his last bute in his T tonight.
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@Yorkshire Coop

Hi Kim

So pleased to hear Harry is perking up a bit. Hope it continues.
Yes, I was the same with the clocks except I always seem to think they have gone back when they have gone forward and vice versa. Consequently I woke up this morning, looking at the alarm which said 8.15 and I thought in a panic it was 9.15 instead of the correct time of 7.15. I've been confused most of the day since then. I remember years ago I turned up at church for communion an hour early the day after the clocks changed. I'm always late and rushing as I was that day, so it stands out in my memory as one of the very few times I was ever early for anything!

Pleased to report that MeMe is also a lot happier and poultice removal/replacement is no longer a stinky job, so hoping that all of the bad is out of her foot but still have another 2 days of dry poultice before she is hopefully fully fixed and her shoe can go back on.

Sadly my leghorn lost her battle with Marek's a couple of days ago but on a positive note, Tasha and her single chick are doing well. Tasha has suddenly started a heavy moult though and the brooder looks like a plucking shed each morning. Quite shocking when you have a bird isolated (apart from her chick) to see just how many feathers they can lose overnight! Some of the others are nearly finished moulting, but no sign of egg production picking up yet or pullets starting to lay. That said I desperately need to start removing and processing cockerels. The light sussex crosses are a decent size and although I'm disappointed that I haven't got any pullets from her, as the only one succumbed to Marek's, the boys have filled out quite nicely. Would much rather have all pullets and no cockerels to process, but if I must have boys to get rid of, it's at least more rewarding to find a bit of meat on them.

Think that's all my news for now. Must head off and put chucks away and do evening stables.
Keeping fingers crossed for Harry's continued improvement and your Nanna.

Best wishes


Thanks Barbara, I too hope he continues on this path :fl Been wide awake since 4.30 this morning due to this clock change :( I really really tried to have an another hour but just couldn't so thought I might as well get up and get some tings done.

Great to hear the poultice is working for MeMe :D Things like that bother me so as a friend lost her her horse due to an abscess in the foot traveling up the leg and it got beyond help. It burst out of the coronet band but at that point it had gone too far and all the way up to the knee after an X-ray. So I'm pleased you got on top of MeMe quick.

Sorry to hear about your leghorn :( That mareks sure is a battle!
I bet Tasha's lone chick is enjoying her full attention! It's the same here with feathers, they are everywhere and making things look so untidy. I must get some pics of my ratty hens as they look awful and are down in the dumps too. I'm not surprised with how they look! What are eggs? I'm getting about 3 per week and I'm sure from the same hen as she is the only one who is ever in the nest box. I have had to put a note on my door saying "Sorry no eggs today, my hens are on strike due to molt!"

Good luck on the cockerels, I hope they are very meaty :drool

Have a great day Barbara and catch you soon.

Kim xx
An update: my rooster started crowing this morning! Had to be hallowe'en and he sounds like he's being killed but he's doing it! So proud of little Frankie.
very wet here as well , bet your ducks are loving it  , having to keep my chickens in the run and they hate it so used to running all over the garden , is it in for the bloody week because its not on lol rant over !!
think they moved Rhode Island to your neck of the woods with all the rain and fog and let's not forget the MUD!
Very quiet here, hope everyone is ok?

Trick or treat was very quiet at ours this year. Got loads of sweets in and we had one group of 5 kids call and that was it! Now I'm having to eat all these sweets which is no good for my diet!


Hope all is well Barbara with you and that MeMe is still doing ok? Shoe back on yet? Having the vet back out to Harry in the morning for blood taking and his teeth doing. Hope the bloods come back ok :fl He is still a bit miserable but has picked up speed on going out in a morning.

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