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These were taken other day

What a beautiful group shot! Nan must be very proud. Are you trying to say that the young lady at the back is only 13years old??? She's a very bonny girl but looks 16-18 at least.
Aiyla is definitely growing up but good to see she is keeping that cheeky smile.

Pleased to hear the little lad is a bit better. I know what you mean about the grass being pecked down to nothing and then mud. Thankfully most of my pens are big enough to keep some grass patches. Frost and sunshine here today so the ground is a bit more solid. I put some straw down in the muddy parts yesterday and they loved that but it's looking a little dirty and soggy today, but still better than the mud.

Good luck with the cleaning out job. I manage to get most of the little coops done every day but with the weather being wet I fell behind and it took me a lot longer yesterday, catching up. You feel so much better when it's done though. The main hen house is deep littered but it is past time I got that sorted. That is a very big job and somehow I always seem to find something more urgent that needs doing

Best wishes


Hi Barbara :D

Hope your pride is ok after your fall in the mud! Happens to the best of us :D I've had a lot of trouble with boots getting stuck in the mud :( I nearly came a cropper and ended up with a muddy foot. Everything is just wet, damp and miserable right now even though we have had a couple of dry days.
Harry is still the same and plodding on. Bright enough but still no spark I'm afraid. I've still been bad and not got him in yet but with the weather we have had I'm sure he will not be complaining! To be quite honest I've just not had the time either, what with hospital visiting, deliveries, horse jobs, chickens and of course the business that pays the bulk of the bills I'm feeling a bit stretched right now.

Hope you have managed to get out on yours? Did Zak get his shoe back on? Are you still doing a bot with him or is Ian in full charge of him now? Fingers crossed he's doing well with all the work you put in to him.

My hens are still on full strike here, not a single egg this week. They are getting new feathers coming through well but no sign of eggs :mad:
They have not enjoyed the bad weather of late and we're only popping out of the coop for food and water when it was really bad. I too would have been hiding in the coop if I had to live outside in all that lot. They enjoyed being out in the garden the other day though when it was better.

Hope your having a relaxing evening and catch you soon

Kim xx

Great to hear your drake is seeming better, how's he today? Still making progress I hope :fl

Love your pics, they are fantastic. Aiyla sure has an infectious smile :love
Yes today jimmy the drake alot better me and hubby are wondering if it's something to do with me fi who I caught in garden other night today I found him hiding up in the chicken coop and also he has become suddenly really tame letting me stroke him and pick him up when usually he goes mad as you go towards him were wondering if mr fox
has scared
him ?????? As we cant seem to find anything else wrong with him.
We had our first eggs this morning :). After all the stories of Seramas only producing 1 tiny egg / month I'm very pleased to find these two from our girl. Nice healthy-looking shells too, far as I can tell.
yeah it was the other night I opened the door to let dog out and this huge fox
was stood right down by the decking a few steps away from back door it kind of scared me as I was not expecting it it just froze until it saw the dog then it ran up to the middle of the garden
and started running around almost like it was chasing it's tail and started making this awful screaming noise my stupid dog
layed down submissive on the ground then it just ran jumped over chicken fence and fell in the pod before jumping next doors fence.
Tbh I'm not sure what it was doing as it was no where near the chicken coop I can't believe how big it was it was bigger than my dog
We had our first eggs this morning :). After all the stories of Seramas only producing 1 tiny egg / month I'm very pleased to find these two from our girl. Nice healthy-looking shells too, far as I can tell.


Congratulations on your eggs! Very nice looking little treasures there :D

yeah it was the other night I opened the door to let dog out and this huge fox
was stood right down by the decking a few steps away from back door it kind of scared me as I was not expecting it it just froze until it saw the dog then it ran up to the middle of the garden
and started running around almost like it was chasing it's tail and started making this awful screaming noise my stupid dog
layed down submissive on the ground then it just ran jumped over chicken fence and fell in the pod before jumping next doors fence.
Tbh I'm not sure what it was doing as it was no where near the chicken coop I can't believe how big it was it was bigger than my dog

:/ The cheeky bleeper :mad:
Just asked my resident fox expert (other half) and he says Chasing it's tail and screaming means it was in a panic. It could have been during the day and that's what could be bothering your drake. They are cheeky and will come during the day. @rebrascora you have had them during the day haven't you?
Probably a dog fox if it was big. Have you got everything secure? It can't get in your coop can it? They are persistent at coming back when they know food is available.

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