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I hope everyone got through that wind yesterday unscathed? :fl

Goodness it was gusty out on the roads :( My little van was blowing all over the place.
One of my run covers got totally shredded and trashed and my little prison coop blew over with a poor little hen inside!
I hope everyone got through that wind yesterday unscathed?

Goodness it was gusty out on the roads
My little van was blowing all over the place.
One of my run covers got totally shredded and trashed and my little prison coop blew over with a poor little hen inside!

Oh no! I hope she's OK.

My poly tunnel blew into park land at the side of my house and is a tangled wreck! Will try and salvage what I can but luckily the coop is in tact. Fingers crossed.
Oh no!  I hope she's OK.

My poly tunnel blew into park land at the side of my house and is a tangled wreck!  Will try and salvage what I can but luckily the coop is in tact.  Fingers crossed.

Yeah she's fine and came back out quite normal even though she was like Dorothy from the wizard of Oz :gig
I did think about you and @rebrascora yesterday with your poly tunnels :/
Hope you are able to salvage what you can :fl

Its made of wood it was a hinged roof for easy access for cleaning, not any more I screwed it down lol

I have a roof like that on my bigger prison coop :D
Yeah she's fine and came back out quite normal even though she was like Dorothy from the wizard of Oz

I did think about you and @rebrascora yesterday with your poly tunnels

Hope you are able to salvage what you can

I have a roof like that on my bigger prison coop

Ah thank goodness. I too have been using the Wizard of Oz analogy tee hee. Is she sitting there clucking 'there's no place like home'?

Have spent this evening putting the poles into two piles: OK, and can they be salvaged?
The caretaker at my school reckons he can salvage my tunnel so will show him the pics tomorrow and let him go with the 'challenge'!

You have to laugh or else you'd cry don't you?

Am on a weekend KS2 marking standardisation in Rotherham on 4th and 5th of February - anywhere near you? My neighbour doesn't know yet but he will be on chicken duty ha ha. He loves it.

Hope all is well with you.
@Yorkshire Coop

Hi Kim

Pleased to hear your girl survived her coop tumble. Mine little one blew over Boxing Day with 7 pekins inside. Amazingly they all survived it without injury but I have been paranoid since then.

I decided not to assemble my poly tunnel until the corkscrew tie down stakes I ordered afterwards arrived. They were delivered this afternoon so I need to crack on with that as soon as the weather allows. Really pleased I held off after hearing what happened to Paula's poly tunnel....such a shame. Hope it will repair. I've had to construct another pen for 2 older cock birds that were getting a pasting from the younger lads in the bachelor pad and a third one is needing more intensive TLC, so he is living in my feed room. The 2 in the makeshift pen have to be caught and placed in a large cardboard box each night and kept in the feed room too and then put in the pen through the day. I haven't got time to butcher them and they have lost weight with being picked on. The pen isn't secure to predators so I have to bring them in at night. Everything is taking so much longer to do now, that I'm starting to sink and I've hit a set back with my car as the horn and air bag have a fault and I'm told it's £325 to repair, but MOT due at end of month so it needs to be sorted. Trying to find a second hand part via ebay to save a bit on the repair as insurance is also due for it this month and road tax....eek! That poly tunnel purchase is now looking a little impulsive!

Still haven't had GGs out. How is Harry doing? My farriers will be coming again soon and these shoes haven't seen any action...I'm so ashamed! At least they should go back on which will save a few £s. Is Charlie's arm/wrist all fixed now?

Think that is all my news for now. Hope there isn't going to be too much more windy weather, so I can get that poly tunnel up and get some use out of it! We had a smattering of snow this morning and a bit more forecast for overnight tonight but don't think it is going to be too bad. Hope all is ok with you. It sounds a bit scary blowing the van about like that!

Take care


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