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Hi Barbara,

I really do take my hat off to you :highfive: It sounds like you did a fantastic job with your little Pekin :D As you say it sure has given her a better chance now all that gunk is out of her crop. It sure does look nasty and there is no wonder she could not digest it by the looks of it :sick Would you start a thread or make a member page about your crop surgery? I'm sure with what you have done and your most excellent description above it would really help other members who may need to do this. If you make a member page you could also enter it in the article contest where GFM prizes are up for grabs ;)
How to make a page and enter are all the first post of the contest thread :D
I really do hope she makes a full recovery for you and herself :fl

I got my other half to read your post above about the attack and he also thinks fox :mad: In one respect its bad what it has done but as you say it will be easier to prevent a future attack from a fox rather a stoat or weasel. Let's hope what ever it was stays away!

Been a quiet weekend here really as Charlie has been engaged both Saturday and today. Have to say that I've hardly seen him. He has a better social life than me! It sure is scary how fast he's growing up and I'm dreading the empty nest syndrome already! He was out beating again yesterday on the last of the beaters days but he's super pleased that he's got a permanent beaters place there next season :D He seems to think he's getting the day off school for the shoots during the week but we are going to have words about that! It will be his last year at school by the time next season starts so he really does need to go to get the grades in at least English and maths. But being money driven and wanting to earn he sees school as a waste of time right now. I'm so glad though he's this way inclined and that he's found a hobby he enjoys and can hopefully make a career out of.


Then today he's been down to Staffordshire to see his cousins new baby on his dads side with his aunt, uncle and other cousins. He's come back from there at 6.30 and gone straight out foxing with his dad :th This pic really has made me realise how much he has grown ~

I've rambled again, sorry!

Hope your relaxing this evening now Barbara and that you have managed a rum and coke ;)
Catch you soon

Kim xx
@rebrascora Many congratulations on completion of the surgery..well done you. Fingers crossed that the lady makes a full recovery.

@Yorkshirecoop Ah, your boy looks very grown up. I only have the 1 and am also dreading the empty nest syndrome. It's a good way off yet as she's only 12 but already so independent. She'll be gone at the 1st opportunity!

It's been tipping down here most of the day, my pen really can't take much more rain, it's pretty sodden already and my poor Silkies (as they're so low to the ground) are constantly soaked! So, back to school run and work tomorrow for the week. I've had a fab weekend and I'm not so keen for it to end! I do have a manicure booked for tomorrow afternoon so I really shouldn't complain....have a good week all xx
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Hi Guys

Just to update you. The patient was refusing to eat or drink this morning and her comb was looking very dry and pale and crop was huge and squishy again and she was refluxing. Decided it was "do or die" time. Got everything sterilised and ready this afternoon and prepped the patient by cutting her feathers back to the skin, then swabbed the area with hibiscrub and with my able assistant holding her, I took the plunge. 


Wow. Just amazing. It sounds such a traumatic surgery, but I'm really proud that you're doing everything to save her. And sour or not, there's not supposed to be all that in her crop.

Hopefully some rest overnight will help and tomorrow she'll be able to eat & drink a little.

With everything else going on I'm sure you've barely got time for a cuppa if not anything stronger.

10/10 bravery award & fingers crossed for the next 24 hours.
It's been tipping down here most of the day, my pen really can't take much more rain, it's pretty sodden already and my poor Silkies (as they're so low to the ground) are constantly soaked!
have a good week all xx

It's like a swamp in the run where my girls are trapped. They really want to eat the grass outside and just stare at if for what seems like hours. The coup is dry at least, but they seem determined to stand out in the wet rather than stay inside.

I've never experienced anything like this ban before.
I've put down straw and some wood for them to play with, but that's already just adding to the sodden mess !
More rain forecast this week+ string winds. Hope everyone's poly tunnels survive !
Good morning everyone and thanks so much for the moral support.

I was extremely anxious about what state I would find her in this morning as her breathing was really ruttly last night and I pretty much convinced myself she was going to die, but she is definitely brighter this morning, although breathing is still rough. She is trying to educate me about what she likes to eat for breakfast and she has had me running around preparing different things for her in the hope of tempting her to eat but at the same time, get things into her, that her body needs. She prefers dry bread to soggy bread but she will not drink and I dare not try to force her when she has already aspirated some vomit. Tried mixing some probiotic yoghurt into it, which she at least tasted before deciding she didn't like it. Then I scrambled an egg for her and she has had a little of that mixed with some bread. I would be happier if she was wolfing it down but I guess a little at a time is probably best. I am just worried that, although she has had a little sloppy food over the past few days, she has not actually drank liquids for several days and I'm very conscious of how important fluids are particularly when she lost a little blood yesterday.
She managed to climb out of the high sided box I have her in as soon as my back was turned though and pooped on my carpet AGAIN!!!
, which she seems to take great delight in doing and is keen to wander off and explore the house, if I don't pen her in, so she is clearly not at deaths door! I may put her outside for a short while this afternoon as the sun is just coming out and it is a bit warmer, but with that bare patch on her chest I don't want to leave her out too long to get cold. Sorry to hear some of you guys have rain already. Mud is so depressing. The ground is claggy here but it's not as bad as it has been previous years and I think we have been lucky compared to many of you further south. I keep putting a bit more straw down which works better in the big pen than the little one which needs raking/shovelling out and starting again which of course is difficult when chickens are confined to it.

I got the cover over my poly tunnel yesterday but it's just a little small at one end....not sure if it's because the ground is not quite level at that end, but the Velcro fastenings just don't quite reach, to tie it securely to the frame there. Need to sort that out in the very near future and get it tied down securely before those winds arrive. Hoping a bit of sun on the cover will warm it up and allow it to be stretched into shape.
Think that is all my news for now, so must get out there and crack on.


@ Barbara. Hi have you tried given your chuck sloppy porridge with a little Honey this will give her a boost,I lost our favourite Wilkie to sour crop a few week ago.if her crop is empty try just probiotic yogurt to line her crop and get the good bacteria back in there,if she isn't drinking use an eye dropper to rehydrate little and often.hope this helps
@Yorkshire Coop

Hi Kim

Really great photos of Charlie. He does look so grown up and he's obviously quite at ease holding the baby. Is he still set on the army or can he be side tracked into game keeping do you think? I guess the problem with the latter is limited options/opportunities.

Will have a look at the article writing contest when I have more time. My little friend has been outside for most of the afternoon in a cage next to her palls and has managed to eat a small scrambled egg and about half a slice of bread in warm water throughout the day so I'm reasonably happy. Wound is looking nice and dry but I'm trying not to handle her too much as her breathing becomes laboured when she starts to struggle and then the wheezing and rattling starts. She is still pooping so that suggests that the impaction hasn't affected her gizzard. Just a question of time and keeping fingers crossed that her breathing improves and she continues to eat.

I'm having problems with my computer so if I'm not online for a few days don't worry, it is hopefully just a technical glitch.

Best wishes


Great news on your hen. I do hope she continues to improve, she sounds like a really plucky (excuse the pun) girl....these birds do seem to amaze me time after time. My lot love natural, full fat yogurt after illness so hopefully that'll help her out. Once again, well done you x
Wow! Well done Barbara, that's impressive!!!

It's been a while so just caught up on loads here. Been busy bathing ducks etc

I've just started sketching again after about 9 years and yep- my first portraits are the ducks

Also... Anybody else utterly in love with Duncan the Duck on the Aldi advert?! I'm besotted!!
Sarah x

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