UK Member Please Say HI


Hi Barbara,

Hope all is well for you? I'm guessing you are super busy right now, hope you have managed to get out on your beasties :fl Or are you busy helping Ian with his?
I have given myself 4 flags for this week! That's right 4 :eek: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and today :) I even managed to get out both days last weekend too. I'm sure Harry will twig soon and not let me catch him :lol:
He's been a good lad whilst babysitting my friends just broken 4 year old. We did go on our own today though so we had a bit of screaming and he was a bit more lively but not too bad.

Pleased to say Ginny my Amber seems to have picked up and is well again. Never did find out what it was in the end but she seems ok for now.

We are going to have a new addition to the family (no I'm not pregnant!) :lol:

This is "Keeper" a surprise gift for Charlie from the gamekeeper and his wife. He was born on Wednesday so won't be with us for 6-8 weeks but Charlie is already super excited!

He's going to be a working gun dog for Charlie.

Think that's about it for now, hope you have had a good weekend and catch you soon.

Kim xx

Hi all, bit of an update as it's been a while: Frankie & Faux-pas have just been for their first health check and have been given the all-clear. They are a good weight, have no sign of mites and the vet said their nutrition is excellent. The vet trimmed their claws too as we didn't want to do it wrong and they were getting very curly. Here they are enjoying a bountiful breakfast from the garden.

Hope you and yours are doing well.
View attachment 1129208

Hi all, bit of an update as it's been a while: Frankie & Faux-pas have just been for their first health check and have been given the all-clear. They are a good weight, have no sign of mites and the vet said their nutrition is excellent. The vet trimmed their claws too as we didn't want to do it wrong and they were getting very curly. Here they are enjoying a bountiful breakfast from the garden.

Hope you and yours are doing well.

They are looking well :D That's a very good looking breakfast there for them!
I do breed them yes, mainly polish but I'm without a cockerel at the moment. I also get different breed eggs in to hatch. I even did some goslings this year for the first time which was very interesting :D

Won't be hatching again this year unless I get roped in to a "New Years Day hatch a long" :oops:
Oooh a Uk thread! Hi everyone :frow I'm in North Yorks :) and brand new to chickens. We hatched 10 bantams seven weeks ago now...5 pekins and 5 cuckoo marans :love.

They're doing well out in their coop. I'd love to upload a pic but they just won't pose for pics :rolleyes:

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