um, what?!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Oct 1, 2011
Ok, so I was out building the new coop for Tigga(new EE chick), that will become a broody coop when I have the little one integrated. I had Tigga(in a pet carier) spending time with the big girls in there pen when I heard a comotion. At first I though that some how Tigga had gotten out of the pet carier, but to my relief s/he hadn't. The big girls had caught a mouse, clearly killed it, and where fighting over it. I didnt' even realize that we had a mouse problem as I hadn't seen any signs. So I felt the need to intervene as it was getting a little vicious and I dind't want blood drawn, so I grabbed the one with the mouse at the time (turned out to be Meenie) and pulled her out of the pen. I tried to get the mouse away from her as I had never heard of chickens eating them, but she ate it before I could do anything about it. I put her back in the pen and continued my work. A few minutes later they had anouther mouse, so again I pulled the one who had it out (this time Eenie), and she ate the mouse too. So, has anyone ever heard of chickens doing this, or are mine just weird? And should I worry about the mice, or just let them take care of them?
Really? So I can add small vertabrates to the list of things that they eat? I knew about insects, spiders, and any number of plants (including fruits, vegies, and grains), but I didn't realize that they would eat small vertabrates too. Atleast not until I saw it.
That's why folks don't generally raise chickens and gerbils in the same coop.
I grew up in a place where I wasn't alowed to have chickens as pets, the closest I ever got to them as a kid was the dinner plate. I'm still pretty new to all this, but I'm doing my best to catch up.
Your birds aren't weird. Sound pretty normal.
They'll also eat small snakes (i.e. garter) if given the chance. Might want to start looking at controlling the mice tho. Make sure the draw for them isn't the chicken feed. The more readily available it is to the mice, the more you'll have.

Seriously though, they really love the 'pinks'. 'Pinks' are the itty bitty baby mice, though they will eat the adults too if they can catch them! Just wait until they find a garter snake, now that is a sight to see!
agreed, totally normal.

every so often, a mouse will drown in one of our stock waterers... throw it to the chickens for an extra special treat hah. they go crazy chasing each other around for it.

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