um, what?!

Ok, I'll make sure that the bag of chook feed is mouse proofed, I already have the feeder in the pen hanging away from anything that a mouse could climb on to get it. So in the pen, the only feed that a mouse could get is what the girls knock to the ground. Thanks for the advice. I hope they don't find any snakes around here, I'm pretty sure that most are venomous.
Mice can jump pretty high, you are better off feeding your birds in the morning and removing any left-over feed at dark. Metal trash cans work very well to keep rodents out of the feed bag. You might also want to skip feeding one day a week or twice a week to make sure the girls clean up any messes they might have made.
Ok, metal trash can, and remove feed once or twice a week. Will do.
Remove feed every day and let them clean up their messes once or twice a week

Ok, got it now. Thank you.
I know they love the mice, but I do try to control the mouse population. It worries me that the chickens ingest the mouse with possible fleas which can carry tapeworm. Gotta watch out for frogs to, they love those.
Actually to let every one know something new I learned today. Chickens are actually direct descendants of the T-Rex!!!

Honestly look it up and it will tell you
Someone posted a link on here of a website that at like the top 20 fun facts about chickens I will have to try an find it for you guys and gals

I was actually really suprised as I was always told that they were descendants of velociraptors!! ROFL

(I really am serious
Because all these extras make them yummier than store bought ones?

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