Unusual Fowl Pox - Necropsy Results

@chicknmania, you were right about the spider bite. The vet agrees. She also expects Mrs. Pickles to make a full recovery, although it may take a while for the spot to heal. She said the change in color is likely due to me lifting it a bit to see if it would drain. The medicine we gave Mrs. Pickles is exactly what the vet said she would have prescribed, so we're going to continue with that. She said it probably saved her life. I am so thankful Mrs. Pickles will get better and that we are able to see an awesome veterinarian.
Oh yay that is awesome news!!!!!!
She looks so much better and happy too!!! Good job!!! Glad you caught it in time! Such a cute name, too!
Tell her to stay away from those spiders!
Thank you. I'm so thankful she's getting better.

I will pass your compliment on to her about her name and guidance about the spiders I'm certain she will appreciate both. :)
The original spot healed, but now all the places where she had what looked like dry skin are becoming sores. When chickens have fowl pox, the skin first looks like ash. I haven't seen fowl pox that looked like this. Could she have fowl pox? Something else?


I seriously don't know but it MUST be some kind of bacterial infection if it responded to the Sulfa, right? How long did you have her on that altogether?

Maybe a different kind of antibiotic....maybe Cephalexin? I think the vet owes you a free followup.......and I'd be on the phone with her asap if I were you.

I have no experience at all with Fowl Pox but someone on here should be able to give you some insight.

You could also try Peter Brown, the Chicken Doctor....www.firststatevetsupply.com. I don't know how much he charges for a consult now. He's not a vet, but very knowledgeable,
he's been around awhile. Sometimes hard to reach right away, but worth a try.

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