Updated - Corid and Amprol (amprolium) Dosing

I have a question.... we have a flock, 1 is 2 years old, 4 are 1 year and 2 are about 21 weeks. We noticed a big bout of diarrhea about 2 weeks ago and a couple of the hens were really lethargic with 1 not coming for the worms or treats. We did some research and figured it was an outbreak of coccidiosis. We called a Mennonite family in our area who raise chickens and were recommended by the feed store in our area. They said to put them on Oxytetracyclin Hydrochloride soluible powder. We called the manufacturer to get the dosing info. We refreshed every day and kept them on it for 10 days. They all seemed much better, we discontinued 10 days ago and now we have a hen who is displaying the same symptoms again. Very frustrated, should we try and get the Corid? We cleaned everything really well. Stools had all gone back to normal. Now the one who is displaying symptoms has watery yellowish stools. At my wits end.
Sorry, they are chickens, Orpingtons and Barred Rocks. I did not notice that the thread related to Peafowl. I am desperate to figure out what to do. The two youngest are Orpingtons, we got about 6 weeks ago. We finally introduced them when we pulled everyone off the antibiotic last week. They were on it also.

We also use diatomaceous earth in their feed periodically and in their coop.
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I'm not sure if it the right topic to ask this question, but i need to ask my peachicks is looking sleepy all the day and some of them are sneezing, is it because they are cold? i added another heat lamp in their cage but they seem still sleepy, is it because the lamp is so close from them? I raising them the same way i have done last season and they were all fine.

Might be dust causing them to sneeze. Careful with two lamps, they might get too warm. If you have a scale, probably a good time to start weighing them. At this age they should be gaining weight daily, so weigh at the same time every day and if you see any loss or no gain you'll know you have a health problem.

Might be dust causing them to sneeze. Careful with two lamps, they might get too warm. If you have a scale, probably a good time to start weighing them. At this age they should be gaining weight daily, so weigh at the same time every day and if you see any loss or no gain you'll know you have a health problem.

I will try to get a scale tonight, i have cleaned the room few days ago from dust but it seems their still some dust, because some chicks woe their eyes. I also have an air conditioner working in their room if this is the reason why they sneeze?

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