Updated - Corid and Amprol (amprolium) Dosing

Treating Coccidiosis with Corid, Amprol, AmproMed - The Correct Amprolium Dose

When treating coccidisosis in my own birds I use the severe outbreak dose (0.024%) for 5 days, then the 0.006% amount for 7-14 days.

Liquid dose:
2 teaspoons per gallon for five days, then 1/2 teaspoon for 7-14 days.

Powder dose:
1.5 teaspoons per gallon for five days, then 1/3 teaspoon for 7-14 days.

Ok, I see this post is several years old. Is the information for dosing still accurate today? I'm wanting to treat my chickens for Coccidiosis, but want to get the accurate dose. I'm planning on using the liquid.
Ok, I see this post is several years old. Is the information for dosing still accurate today? I'm wanting to treat my chickens for Coccidiosis, but want to get the accurate dose. I'm planning on using the liquid.
Yes, it's still correct.
Treatment20% Powder9.6% Liquid
For 3-5 days1.5 teaspoons per gallon2 teaspoons per gallon
then for 7-14 days1/3 teaspoon per gallon1/2 teaspoon per gallon
Hi I have two hens ages 1 and about 4. They've never had coccidia here. I keep them in a large fenced in area near their house. I got a baby rooster two weeks ago who is now six weeks old. He has been hanging around with them and has developed coccidia. Lots of blood in his cecal poop. He is on liquid corid. My question is should I treat my hens also or is it likely they are simply immune? My older hen recently had some very serious health issues from eating poke berries and took her a month to get back to normal with some liver issues (she is on milk thistle). I am hesitant to put her on medication unless absolutely necessary. At the same time I don't want her to get coccidia and bring her down again either. I'm not sure which direction to go in. Thanks for any tips.
It wasn't pokeberries that made your peahen sick. Pokeberries are actually good for birds, we have them and our birds eat them all the time. We even cut down the big branches and tie them to the pen walls for the caged birds to eat.
It wasn't pokeberries that made your peahen sick. Pokeberries are actually good for birds, we have them and our birds eat them all the time. We even cut down the big branches and tie them to the pen walls for the caged birds to eat.
Yikes I posted in the wrong forum apparently. I thought this was for chickens. Actually the berries did make her sick. She ate so many that the seeds impacted her gizzard. She turned yellow in the face presumed from liver issues due to the toxicity of it. I will never ever let them near them again. Lesson learned the hard way. But this is for chickens and somehow I ended up in the wrong area. Sorry!! (But if anyone knows the answer to my question about whether to give my chicken the corid or just wait and see I'd appreciate it :)
Yikes I posted in the wrong forum apparently. I thought this was for chickens. Actually the berries did make her sick. She ate so many that the seeds impacted her gizzard. She turned yellow in the face presumed from liver issues due to the toxicity of it. I will never ever let them near them again. Lesson learned the hard way. But this is for chickens and somehow I ended up in the wrong area. Sorry!! (But if anyone knows the answer to my question about whether to give my chicken the corid or just wait and see I'd appreciate it :)
I always say, Too much of a good thing isn't.
yes and I've had great guilt over it. I almost lost her. I am the one who gave them to her bc I read they were great for worming. She probably ate 10-15 berries a day over a 1 week period and it was too much for her. I am really unforgiving with myself when it comes to my girls. And apparently I goofed with my baby rooster as well. I have had chickens for 20 years and forgot I shouldn't put a baby with adults. I'll hopefully learn one of these days.

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