Updated - Corid and Amprol (amprolium) Dosing

How quickly can we expect to see improvement with Corid/amprolium? We are on Day 4 of the five-day treatment course and still seeing a lot of mucus-y poop.

Also, we've got snow on the ground and our chickens are eating it. I worry that it will reduce the amount of amprolium they ingest as they may be drinking less water. How can I compensate for it other than making the amprolium solution a tiny bit more concentrated? I try to encourage water consumption by having two waterers out, one in the coop on a heated base and the other in a part of the yard that we shovel out where the chickens like to hang out in the winter. I then rotate the waterers a few times a day so that the water in both of them stays warm, or at least does not freeze. I do see the chickens drink, but I also do still see them eat snow regularly, not too much but enough to make me concerned.
Thank you, good idea! I'll think about it. I've never given meds orally before via a syringe, and with 15 mostly skittish chickens, I'm not sure how well it would go. More than anything, I'm afraid of inadvertently getting the liquid down their trachea and causing death or pneumonia. I might experiment with using a cube of bread to soak up the medication, or mixing it into a spoonful of yogurt. This is how I've given liquid antibiotics in the past, with good results.
Thanks! I've actually looked at this article but I don't think I'm there yet, in terms of being able to do this safely by myself. What do you think about putting the medication on bread? I'd be using solution prepared per your instructions, not the dry powder.
Thanks! I've actually looked at this article but I don't think I'm there yet, in terms of being able to do this safely by myself. What do you think about putting the medication on bread? I'd be using solution prepared per your instructions, not the dry powder.
If they will eat bead soaked with medicated water that will work too.

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