Upgrading Coop

Maddie, I agree with JT, that a hoop coop will be your best bet for an inexpensive coop. Cattle panels can be purchased for about $22.00 each. 2 panels, plus your 2 x 4 ridge pole, bottom and end framing, and your hardware cloth and tarp will have you up and running. However, hardware cloth is expensive. In order to make the structure predator proof, you will have to cover the whole thing, including a skirt. Those tarps wear out pretty quickly and are always in need of replacement.

I suggest that you put up a walk in shed style building. For 11 birds, you should make it at least 44 s.f. You could do a 4 x 12, or 6 x 8. Take a close look at the woods open air coop. I would build the shed this year, with the intent of that being the back portion. You can add the front end an other year, when you have more money available. Check your local dump. This time of the year, you may be able to pick up lots of free windows and doors. Also, Habitat for Humanity is a good resource for building materials. Call your local roofers. They often have lots of OSB scrap left over after every roofing job. OSB is not your best building material, but... in the name of saving $$$, it will do in a pinch. Paint it well, both inside and out, and it will last a good long time. You can always cover it at a later date.

Crowding your birds into a too small coop will be a false economy. It will set them up for aggressive behaviors including feather picking, and leading up to blood shed and cannibalism. Crowding stress will also make them more prone to disease. Minimum coop recommendation for BYF is 4 s.f./bird. Add multi age or a cockerel/roo into the mix, and you should have more space than that. Maine winters also require excellent ventilation and more space. The dog house will not cut it.
future coop.jpg Beware of add-ons, you could end up like me! :jumpy

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