Urgent dog advice needed.

Big big hugs to you all. I think its a seizure, we had a Shepard mix that had this problem when she aged. They started out more mild but eventually she became (hollow) inside. She just wasn't there anymore and didn't function. There was nothing that the vet gave us for them, there might have been something available but we couldn't afford anything. When we knew she wasn't herself anymore then we immediately had her put down. It was sad and scary. I am so sorry she has to go through this. My grandmother just lost her dog to cancer and the dog was her reason for living.
Its almost more sad when the elderly lose their old dogs. Thats what she kept repeating "she's my life", she has us, and her other son and her 2 grandkids. But we all lead busy lives and only get there about once weekly for short visits. This dog gave her something to care for and got her out of the house at least 3 times daily for walks. She trulyis an amazing dog owner, very comitted.
I am so sorry to hear of this.
I wish that all dogs could be loved as it sounds like Nipper was.
Hugs to all of you during this difficult time.
im so sorry.
it sounds like a stroke being it seemed to hit one side.

tell your mother that 14 is an AMAZING age for a dog and she obviously gave her an amazing life!
*hugs all around*
I am sorry to say but it sounds like a stroke to me too. We lost our dog of 11 years last year due to one. He was fine all day. Running and chasing squirrels with everyone else all day. That night we noticed the same symptoms. Hope their vet can help. Good luck and prayers sent.
In a dog that age, it could be a million different things.

Stroke is not that unusual, and additionally, when a dog gets lymphoma cancer, they will often have bleeding in the inside of the eye, that can cause a loss of vision or detachment of retina.

Rather than let the dog suffer because the owner cannot afford care, I'd suggest taking up a collection here, for the couple hundred dollars so she can take the dog to the vet.

Then, if the dog needs more care, more money can be collected.
Just wanted to give everyone an update. Nipper went to the vet yesterday morning. They think she has a brain tumor. SHe is on a high dose of steroids for the next 2 weeks(to bring her appetite back) and then is slowly weaned off. 3 months max to live.

I'm not a vet but the sudden onset really surprised me, I would asssume with a tumor it would be a more gradual change, but apparently not.
Sooo sad. I dont know what to say except that I am sorry she will have to go through this, My parents are elderly and are facing the same thing with their GSD mix too!
Sadly, brain tumors are not that unusual in dogs. My first dog started displaying a brain tumor at age 16, and she would also circle. I'm so sorry.

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