Urgent dog advice needed.

We had one that did this same thing at 14, the vet said stroke or tumor and put her on steriods. She did recover so he determined hers was a stroke. A tumor would have continued to get worse. The reason the tumor can be so sudden is as it grows it gets to a size where everything is pushed as far as it can go and it is now pressed up against something and causing problems. Our girl was circling to the left, staggering, same thing. She slowly recovered.
Thats exactly what nip is doing. The research I did before she went to the vets sounded exactly like labryinthitis,,,Exact same symptoms. But the vet said brain tumor because of her rapid eye movement.

I understand the growth of tumors, I just wouldn't expect them to all of a sudden get so big they all of a sudden show symptoms. Seems like small changes would have been seen over the weeks and months as the tumor grew and it would be more gradual. Its hard for me to wrap my brain around a tumor showing No symptoms and then in a split second causing staggering, circling and vomiting. But suppose dogs can be very good about hiding symptoms until its too late.

Carol my MIl, has three pets. Nipper mentioned in this thread. A husky lab mix Bailey ( 15 and in kidney failure and having a general decline) and an ancient black cat, Farley, who she rescued as an adult and has had longer than both the dogs putting Farley at at least 16. Seems like it is going to be a sad year for her.

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