
Hey, I think I remember someone saying they were trying to find a home for some bantam cochin hens. Is that right or was I imagining things? You never know with me
My mom has a little cochin that is currently living with 4 silkies and she is the odd man out. She would like to get another one so that she can feel more comfortable (you know the saying, "birds of a feather flock together
). She was raised with and hangs out with the silkies but she just doesn't quite fit in. My mom takes AWESOME care of her chickens so she would be a great home.
I think it was Sasha.
Lisa I would be happy to incubate you some more of her Polish and I would do it now for you.
Our winters don't start here until late November. So I can keep baby chicks outside longer. Just sayin.

I'm a fixer I like to try and fix things. Ha! Like getting your boy his Polish.
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Awww Lisa
Lousy dang predators. And the thing didn't even take lunch with it? Grrrr. Sooo sorry! Had she been mine, I would have had her outside with the bigger girls, too. Don't blame yourself for an honest accident.

I guess I'm not the only one that's not having the best of days today, and seeing Lisa's post just makes me wanna

Stupid hawk.
Awww Lisa
Lousy dang predators. And the thing didn't even take lunch with it? Grrrr. Sooo sorry! Had she been mine, I would have had her outside with the bigger girls, too. Don't blame yourself for an honest accident.

I guess I'm not the only one that's not having the best of days today, and seeing Lisa's post just makes me wanna

Stupid hawk.
sorry Red. I hope your day gets better.
Red- thanks :)

We scared the thing off and he left her there, I think he would have taken off with her had I not run out there. *&#@* hawk. Frustrating! My son is being pretty good about it now. He keeps saying he was glad it was not Duke (our dog has done this before...) because although Duke has been naughty he loves him dearly and worries i am going to give the dog a new zip code if he eats another chicken. Can't do much with a wild hawk. Hope it stays gone! I am going to put chicken wire over the little gated pen next time we need babies on the grass, then hopefully it won't happen again. I am glad my run is covered, whew!

Hattie thanks for the offer! I better not do that now though, winter comes here early, and we would be back to the garage in Sept, then it would be end of October to get them out it the run, and I just can't watch very close by that time of year, not outside as much....integrating them would be tough. I will see what comes next spring and get the few more we are looking for :) The banties are tiny, may have to stick with LF so my girls don't freak out.
Lisa sounds good. Maybe the LF would be better. I'm so afraid that is going to happen to my little girls sometime. We have hawks all over where I live. Even though I am in neighborhood we have fields all around us so they fly over our house all the time. We find them laying on our grass in the sun. It makes me so mad. Why can't they just eat what are in the fields anyway and leave us alone! They are beautiful birds but I don't want them in my backyard. Sorry your post sent in into
I'll stop now.
OMG Lisa. I am so sorry! I can't believe that happened. That is so sad. I feel terrible for you and your son.

Whittni, congrats on the fair! I want to win beautiful ribbons like that. It's on my bucket list. I wish I had some show quality birds to show this fall for the fair.

Red, love the truck. That looks really nice.
Whew, clean coop, clean nursery coop, clean Silkie coop.
And I made some Salsa with some fresh tomatoes from my garden. Yum.
Cynthia it is so nice when you get those things done isn't it? It has been killing me all day going out to my chickens to make sure they are doing ok in this heat. 107 when I checked last. Very hot. My white Silkie is molting and there are feathers everywhere. I don't blame her for molting. I would get rid of my feathers too if I were her.

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