
(I did really good)
Best of Show, Reserve Best of Show, 6 Blue Ribbons, 1 Red.


Woohoo!!! Congratulations Whittni!!! I'm so thrilled for you!
Oh Lisa, Sasha has a deal for you! She posted while I was typing..
I do! I talked to Lisa over the phone after her poor little Cosmo died. She's going to let her son decide if he wants one of my cuckoo Polish. We all know how much he wants a WC black, though. ;) Auntie Hattie says she'll take one of the girls if Lisa doesn't want them both.

Whittni, awesome pictures! Love your birds. Congrats on doing so well!

Kidasoto, I have seen my Marans lay an off-white egg once, when she usually lays creamy brown. I think her paint sprayers were off duty that day. It could be that one of your brown egg layers had the same issue.

Okay, here's my new steed:

Oh, Red! I LOVE it! So handsome. What are you going to call him? (Assuming it's a him.) Congrats!
Woohoo for red! Nice ride!!!
Sasha thanks so much for letting me know, I am getting on the phone with you as soon as i am done here.....
My polish, Cosmo, just got defaced by a hawk.
I am completely stunned. she was in the little pen, I had taken the bigger teens out, put them in the run, she was in there alone, and a mean old big bird just jumped in there and took the side of her face off, she must have been killed instantly, the hawk took off, left her there, I am completely shocked, stunned, sad, cannot believe that just happened. Poor little baby
I feel bad I did not put her back in the garage. She looks bad, my son was sooooo mad, this one was his. So much work trying to find him the breed he wanted, and she was so itty bitty and cute.
Back to 27. Argh!
Again, I am so, so sorry. I feel terrible for you and Eric!
Hey, I think I remember someone saying they were trying to find a home for some bantam cochin hens. Is that right or was I imagining things? You never know with me
My mom has a little cochin that is currently living with 4 silkies and she is the odd man out. She would like to get another one so that she can feel more comfortable (you know the saying, "birds of a feather flock together
). She was raised with and hangs out with the silkies but she just doesn't quite fit in. My mom takes AWESOME care of her chickens so she would be a great home.
I think you may be thinking of me. :) I had offered them to Jill, but she's getting some other Cochins from....her sister, I think. I have two red banty cochins, one is frizzled. I'd really like them to go together, though, because they are connected at the hip. But....if your mom really wants just one, I'd just be happy she's going to an awesome home. They are 18 weeks old now, and getting pretty red in the face. :)
How about a pick-me-up post with pictures? :) I think everyone could do with a smile about now.

Yesterday, we put the goats, Minnie and Twix, into the chicken run to eat down some weeds and grass. I closed the chicken doors so the goats wouldn't try to get into the coop-good thing I did! They spent most of their time playing on the ramps to the coop! They were so funny. :)

This afternoon, my daughters saw two steers trotting down the road past our house. They just happened to be running towards the direction of our big pasture gate. Sierra opened the gate, Brycen and I tried herding them into our pasture. One of them went in with little hesitation. The other ran around the wrong side of the gate, and into the neighbor's fresh cut alfalfa field. Brycen and I chased him around a little before he came back to our pasture....and instead of going through the gate, jumped the fence! Little bugger! Didn't know cattle had such a clearance range on them. :) After a few phone calls, the single Hyrum animal control officer came out. He did some detective work and found the owner, who is currently out of town for his sister's wedding. He can come get them tomorrow morning, so they will be staying here for the night. They're kinda fun!
Here they are, meeting Karma-who thought they were loads of fun!

Thanks for the smiles. Way to go catching those cows! I bet the owner was so glad you did that for him/her. Do you know the owner? How far from home were they?
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Thanks for the smiles. Way to go catching those cows! I bet the owner was so glad you did that for him/her. Do you know the owner? How far from home were they?
You're welcome, and thanks! Yes, the owner is very happy, kept saying things like "I'll fix your fence, I'll REPLACE your fence! The cow didn't hurt it though...and our fence is so old and needs to be replaced anyway. :) I don't know the owner, but it sounds like he's about half a mile down the road.
Bun-Bun my Sealpoint Lionhead rabbit got Best of Show! She was declared the rabbit with the most genetic potential for show quality offspring. My first rabbit show and I won - This is awesome :) and my bun bun was so good when I presented her.

Other Bunnies at the show - not all of them.

Kinda a weird angle but, here's me with my bunny who is hidden behind a bar? Who took these pictures? Oh well :)

My bunny again:

Home :)
Hey I found a another picture of me presenting my rabbit! Thanks Preston (brother) he had a different camera!!
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How about a pick-me-up post with pictures? :) I think everyone could do with a smile about now.

Yesterday, we put the goats, Minnie and Twix, into the chicken run to eat down some weeds and grass. I closed the chicken doors so the goats wouldn't try to get into the coop-good thing I did! They spent most of their time playing on the ramps to the coop! They were so funny. :)

This afternoon, my daughters saw two steers trotting down the road past our house. They just happened to be running towards the direction of our big pasture gate. Sierra opened the gate, Brycen and I tried herding them into our pasture. One of them went in with little hesitation. The other ran around the wrong side of the gate, and into the neighbor's fresh cut alfalfa field. Brycen and I chased him around a little before he came back to our pasture....and instead of going through the gate, jumped the fence! Little bugger! Didn't know cattle had such a clearance range on them. :) After a few phone calls, the single Hyrum animal control officer came out. He did some detective work and found the owner, who is currently out of town for his sister's wedding. He can come get them tomorrow morning, so they will be staying here for the night. They're kinda fun!
Here they are, meeting Karma-who thought they were loads of fun!

I like Karma! Very pretty. Nice of you to ~ cow sit? ~

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