
Don't worry, we won't tell................she'll probably hear all the peeps, anyway
Hehe. And welcome to BYC!

Sasha, thanks for the smiles. I don't typically name my vehicles, but for some reason I did have the Michael Jackson song Billie Jean pop into my head when I was thinking about it yesterday. Good song.

Whittni, congrats again!

I went to the fair with my mom tonight! We saw some of Sundancen's chickens, but I didn't get to see Sundancen herself, darn it. I got pictures of some of the chickens there on my awesomely blurry camera phone.

Modern game cock. He sure was happy to pose for me. My mom took one look at his legs and said, "That's what I felt like in high school."

This is the Silkie that won. I could not believe how fluffy she was! First time seeing Silkies for both of us.

BA roo. He was sooo pretty.

Someone had a couple of Appenzellers there! They kept moving, so it was hard to get a good picture of them, but they looked cool.

Chatty silver Phoenix cockerel. Pretty, pretty boy.

Here's Sundancen's Araucana! This picture just doesn't do her justice. The NN was right next to her, and I thought she was cute, too. Sundancen, what kind of temperament do those NN's have?

And while my mom and I were browsing through the fine art, we saw a painting that was truly splendid:

Red, thanks for posting these! I get to see the little baby Auracona that I hatched, all grown up and showing off!
Did you order an extra white with black top for me?

I just saw this, went back to do some catching up on lost posts..if you want one, if they all get here safe and sound. I ordered 7 of each. I just love the black crested whites. Should be fun to watch them grow.

Whittni your bunny is adorable! Congrats.

Red fun pictures of the fair. Beautiful chickens.

Cynthia I would totally be bugging you for one of your BC Polish if they were bantams.
Auntie Hattie, you should post those pics you sent me of your eggs...especially the one that is the size comparison. SO CUTE! :)

My chickens are thoroughly enjoying this little break from the heat today here in Cache Valley. When they came out of the coop this morning they chased each other around in a game of tag and just seemed so happy. THAT makes ME happy.
I just saw this, went back to do some catching up on lost posts..if you want one, if they all get here safe and sound.  I ordered 7 of each.  I just love the black crested whites.  Should be fun to watch them grow. 

Oh I bet they will be adorable. Are they LF? If they are, after you grow them to where you decide who to keep, let me know if there are any left for sale, after the others ahead of me in line :) . They would be big enough to make it outside by the time the cold hits if they are already hatched...so I may just be tempted on those. Of course you knew that, right? They are really pretty colors, I like them all. My son really liked the pics too:) .
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I recieved a call from the fair that my naked neck aka turkin had badly injured her leg last night, I went right down to get her. I felt so bad for her, She is dragging her legs behind her, I am going to lock her up and give her a pain shot poor baby, While we were there they were hanging ribbons, Here are some pics.

After we picked up Nellie from the fair my DH wanted to stop at cal ranch to pick up some bolts. I didn't have a carrier to put the Turkin in. I was pretty upset when they called. So I wrapped her in a towel and carried her all over the store. We had our friend with us and he bought two turkeys. I told him he could keep then in our yard until he ate them, I also bought tow mystery bantams, I think one is a white cochin, The i=other is a kind of gray striped. Don't have a clue. In the parking lot they have a sno cone shack. I walked over to get a cone still carrying my chicken, They lady asked me is that your chicken. I didn't even realize I was still carrying her. so I said ye she is mine, I usually walk her on a leash but her feet are tired just now, Took my chance and snow cone and walked back to the car,
Sundance, you are too funny. I can see you walking around with a chicken, like it is no big deal haha! I hope she is ok. Honestly, we really wanted to put ours in the fair, and got super busy that day, but I think part of me kept procrastinating because they have to be left there from Wed - Sat and that made me uncomfortable to have spectators around my girls and me not there to watch over them/ them getting sick or hurt. I kept thinking about it, and then putting off going down there...then was wishing I had, then glad I didn't...wishy washy soul that I am. Your "darkness" is gorgeous, btw, I almost got one of those from Cynthia when she hatched them, so so pretty.

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