
Call the post office and call where you ordered them. If the order is short they will replace them. The post office may have chicks running around and not sure where they go. When my husband worked at the post office it happened all the time. The chicks would get out and hide. The box would go out and then the chicks would come out and no one was sure where they went. What was really bad was when they had 100 boxes of chicks and the chicks were running around. They just stuck them in any box so there were surprise deliveries. He worked at the main Post Office in SLC and was always amazed at how many boxes of chicks go through there in the spring
Hmm, this may explain why I have what looks to be a white polish, looks like it will be all white. It does have a hint, and I mean a hint of yellow in the neck, but the wing feathers are white, as where all of the other yellow chicks have the buff color wings started. Maybe they had some other chicks hopping around there in SLC today. Put a white one in, and two of mine in someone Else's box! Oh well, I have plenty.

I have three babies I'm worried about. I put them in with my girl I hatched. She was sooo happy. She started to prune herself, and she softly pecked at the water that was on them,..I got some on them while I gave them some electrolytes... she looked at their eyes, but didn't peck at them. She laid down right beside them. So sweet! No more crying baby. The others were very noisy when they first got here, but man, did they go after that sugar water. They have eaten and drank water, they are doing well.

I called and let them know I was missing two. She reimbursed me. The Silvers and Buffs are the ones that mostly have the high vaults..I hope what you said Lisa is true..high vaults, Girls? I guess you just never know.
I will take pictures later. I am letting them settle down, which they are now. I won't take them from the bin for pictures, but I do want to hold up a couple to show the cute puffy cheeks and muffs! They are puffy and muffed like Ameraucanas! Pretty cute all right.
Thanks for the recipe Lisa!
Aww Cynthia they sound adorable, cannot wait to see. Sound like they may be bearded...my favorite.

With the crests, there is a link to a crest-sexing page, says it is 94% accurate, and it is the big round heads girls and little chef hats boys. HOWEVER it has not worked for me, at all. So I don't trust it so much. My big gest roundest one as a chick was that frizzle roo. If I can find the link I will post it.
I can't find that page....but here is a post from "Illia", she seems to know a lot about Polish from most of the threads I have been on. People are always asking her advice.

"Never go by crest size or shape in chicks under a week old! Crest size and shape is almost always about quality, at least, pertaining to the SOP. It has to do with how much of a vaulted skull there is, how profuse the feathering is, how long it is, and if there will be a lopped crest or not, or if it will be too swept back or not, which happens in either gender.

As day olds, really, the only methods that work are vent sexing and feather sexing (if they're bred for it, which most hatchery stock is) Otherwise just wait.

I've got Tolbunts due to hatch in 4 days

ETA - my last batch of Polish came out with 3 that had oblong, small crests, 5 that had nice big full round ones. ALL were girls. "
I can't find that page....but here is a post from "Illia", she seems to know a lot about Polish from most of the threads I have been on. People are always asking her advice.
"Never go by crest size or shape in chicks under a week old! Crest size and shape is almost always about quality, at least, pertaining to the SOP. It has to do with how much of a vaulted skull there is, how profuse the feathering is, how long it is, and if there will be a lopped crest or not, or if it will be too swept back or not, which happens in either gender.
As day olds, really, the only methods that work are vent sexing and feather sexing (if they're bred for it, which most hatchery stock is) Otherwise just wait.
I've got Tolbunts due to hatch in 4 days
ETA - my last batch of Polish came out with 3 that had oblong, small crests, 5 that had nice big full round ones. ALL were girls. "

So are Tolberts Frizzled polish?
I can't find that page....but here is a post from "Illia", she seems to know a lot about Polish from most of the threads I have been on. People are always asking her advice.
"Never go by crest size or shape in chicks under a week old! Crest size and shape is almost always about quality, at least, pertaining to the SOP. It has to do with how much of a vaulted skull there is, how profuse the feathering is, how long it is, and if there will be a lopped crest or not, or if it will be too swept back or not, which happens in either gender.
As day olds, really, the only methods that work are vent sexing and feather sexing (if they're bred for it, which most hatchery stock is) Otherwise just wait.
I've got Tolbunts due to hatch in 4 days
ETA - my last batch of Polish came out with 3 that had oblong, small crests, 5 that had nice big full round ones. ALL were girls. "

Ok, that makes better sense to me, since, that is exactly how they go by the Silkies..you "prefer" the high vaulted heads..and they advertise their Silkie babies that are hatching with high vaults..those are the eggs you want to get.

The power went out.

There, I got to use this one for good reason. I don't know about Spanish Fork City and their power outages! Happens way to often here. Even through the winter. Scott and I took the bin of chicks outside, they had started screaming right away when the lights went out. It's plenty warm out there. Was going to take my bator with the eggs in lock down out to the truck, but as I walked down the hall to get it, the power went back on. It was off for 20 mins..so we did wait a while.

Sphinx, if the P.O. here had chicks loose, they would know who they belong to. LOL..plus, they pointed it out to me..and said, wonder if any got out. Poor babies.

I can tell there is one Black Crested that isn't going to make it for sure. Pretty sure..and another Black Crested is trying hard..we'll see. This is the hard part. You never know. But, I am not too worried about the others..they are little maniacs! I think they just may go out to the nursery in a couple of days..if not sooner. It's warm enough. Little poopers. :))

Lisa, those Silvers..oh, my goodness. I didn't think I would like them as well, but glad I got some..and they have high vaults..all of them, so they have that separated hat look. A lot of the buffs do too. The Silvers are either a real light color, or a dark color. Very pretty both. I wonder if it means one color or the other will be more laced?
So are tolbunt Frizzled polish?
No, they are like calico cats but Polish chickens:
Gosh aren't the tolbunts gorgeous!!! Sundance, they come in both frizzled and smooth. The well bred ones are big bucks, but so dang cute! I hope to hatch some next spring :D Supposedly the pattern is much like mille fleur but darker orange instead of the dark yellow. Illia has gorgeous ones for sure.

Cynthia, so sad your little black hats are fading! Such a lot of stress, and if there are two gone missing who knows what they had to go through. Crossing fingers the rest stay vigorous. Can't wait to see them when you have time :) hint, hint....Interesting the SL are different shades. Never heard if that means the lacing will be different. You could post that on the "i have to talk Polish" thread, I bet someone would know, lots of breeders on there. As well as the crest questions.
Picture overload..I got a lot of pictures, trying so show the different vault shapes, and different shade..but my camera was taking darker pictures more often than not..sorry. I tried..read for all of these? And, to think I deleted a lot of them..but I couldn't decide which ones to show!

Group shot, note my girl I hatched, right in the middle of them all..she's loving it after
being alone for a couple of days!

A sivler, nice valut

One is lighter than the other

Group shot

Two buffs

Puffy cheeks..silver

same silver, nice vault

going to be very pretty!

Light and dark See the buff color in the buffs wings already?

Silvers, buffs, and the ones with the dark grey, are the black crested whites.

Here is my big girl, you can see the barred look in the wings, a black crested at the
bottom, there's a silver.

Finally, a more clear picture, a black crested, looks like chipmunk stripes, and there
is a cute buff in front of the black crested, and another buff behind her

I love this little buff, and that black crested..

I've lost two black crested now. :(
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