
Aww.... cute chicks!!!

I have to admit, I did laugh sundance, about your prank to the vet tech, but I really hope she does ok in vet school! Poor girl!!

Nice wedding today, kiddos were worn out, so DH is at the reception and I am here to work on my online class (as soon as I finish catching up here, hehe)

Fun stories about all the chickens at the fair!

Going to meet Sundance tomorrow and get her black bantam cochin... it's for my mom... but she'll stay at my house till she's a little bigger and we've finished the expansion at my mom's place, so the boys are excited=) Maybe I'll be talked into the white bantam chick, too....

It might be silly for me to see this next part, but for some reason I feel like I need to clarify... Most of my chickens will end up at my mom's place because she can have roosters... however, she just put together a little run for the 6 hens and Blue Copper Marans roo (from birdguy=) she has now. She has an old shed (where I originally had my chickens as a teenager) which we are going to convert into a bigger coop, but it used to be where the horses were, then it was a garden shed, then it turned into a storage shed, so it needs a MAJOR deep cleaning and then a little reconstruction to get it put back together and be able to make separate pens. And with the heat, not much has happened and probably won't until it cools down a little... so, there's my story and I'm stickin to it, lol
Picture overload..I got a lot of pictures, trying so show the different vault shapes, and different shade..but my camera was taking darker pictures more often than not..sorry. I tried..read for all of these? And, to think I deleted a lot of them..but I couldn't decide which ones to show!

Group shot, note my girl I hatched, right in the middle of them all..she's loving it after
being alone for a couple of days!

A sivler, nice valut

One is lighter than the other

Group shot

Two buffs

Puffy cheeks..silver

same silver, nice vault

going to be very pretty!

Light and dark See the buff color in the buffs wings already?

Silvers, buffs, and the ones with the dark grey, are the black crested whites.

Here is my big girl, you can see the barred look in the wings, a black crested at the
bottom, there's a silver.

Finally, a more clear picture, a black crested, looks like chipmunk stripes, and there
is a cute buff in front of the black crested, and another buff behind her

I love this little buff, and that black crested..

I've lost two black crested now. :(
Ahhh....I can just hear the peeps.......Too cute!
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I was almost afraid to go look this morning, but they are all still there and doing well, except one of the black crested..it's doing better than yesterday though.

Lisa were you serious about wanting two of the silvers, and one each of the others? That would work out well. I would still get two of the black crested..three are doing real well, and if the other pulls through, I will keep it to watch for a while too.

Those Buff! I know they grow fast, but the coloring came in overnight! They have so much coloring around their faces, and you can actually see the lacing coming in the wings. Fast, they grow fast.

The silvers just keep getting puffier. And you can also see the lacing coming in. My goodness., they will be full grown soon. I think I will be putting them out in the Nursery today. It's getting warm, and I will put a little warmer bulb in there for the night. They are doing so well. I will keep the one in, with a friend though.

I have a few people down here that want some. They will just have to take what I have left...I so want you to take some. I could see them grow up on here. Then you could trade the ones you decide you don't want to keep with someone else on here, then I could still watch them grow up. :)

Have to say it again..oh man..those buff..so glad I got those instead of the reds!
I was almost afraid to go look this morning, but they are all still there and doing well, except one of the black crested..it's doing better than yesterday though.

Lisa were you serious about wanting two of the silvers, and one each of the others? That would work out well. I would still get two of the black crested..three are doing real well, and if the other pulls through, I will keep it to watch for a while too.

Those Buff! I know they grow fast, but the coloring came in overnight! They have so much coloring around their faces, and you can actually see the lacing coming in the wings. Fast, they grow fast.

The silvers just keep getting puffier. And you can also see the lacing coming in. My goodness., they will be full grown soon. I think I will be putting them out in the Nursery today. It's getting warm, and I will put a little warmer bulb in there for the night. They are doing so well. I will keep the one in, with a friend though.

I have a few people down here that want some. They will just have to take what I have left...I so want you to take some. I could see them grow up on here. Then you could trade the ones you decide you don't want to keep with someone else on here, then I could still watch them grow up. :)

Have to say it again..oh man..those buff..so glad I got those instead of the reds!

don't forget if you have an extra female that I want a white with a black crest. They are so cute
I will absolutely take those. Up to two buff, up to two silver, then one black crested. And would keep one of each color if I got girls, so will cross fingers. I have had lots and lots of boys, so maybe a girl this time lol! have you tried to feather sex them? Just wondering if you see a difference.

I can come down next week. I could get daloorashens Ameraucana if she wants me to. And I will bring the Ameraucana roo for Ann. If you want to grow them out more before deciding who to keep I can wait, it is up to you.
Anyone looking to get a kitten?? We had a young female cat dumped on our property last fall. She had kittens approximately 7 weeks ago. After a month of establishing a feeding spot and routine, we set the trap out yesterday and caught momma (who my husband named Ninja last fall when he could not catch her) and her 4 kittens. We placed one kitten this morning, but still have 3 more. The kittens are orange with white face, buff/cream, and black/white. Ninja is a very pretty calico and we are definitely keeping her. Hope she can learn to adjust to being a domestic indoor/outdoor kitty (after she is spayed and kept inside for a while).

Here is our newest family member, Ninja:
so driving down 9000 s today on the side of the road there was a guy selling statues out of the stock building supply parking lot and one of them was a 7 or 8 foot tall leghorn rooster! i tell you it was huge and beautiful! i so want it but i am poor. if you are in the area today you should check it out :)
so driving down 9000 s today on the side of the road there was a guy selling statues out of the stock building supply parking lot and one of them was a 7 or 8 foot tall leghorn rooster! i tell you it was huge and beautiful! i so want it but i am poor. if you are in the area today you should check it out

That would be so cool....Should have gotten a pic!\

So here are the eggs we are getting now. One of the cuckoo's are darker than the other. Wish I knew which was which. And Jessi's little egg from the Old english. She is so proud and excited to eat them!

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