
Red, good luck with the hatch! I caught one of my FBCM on some eggs a couple days ago. Lifted her out and onto the perch, and she snapped out of it by morning, thank goodness.

BirdMan, I've never seen them locally. However, I buy my feed from Cache Commodities, and they sell nothing but feed, so I haven't been in a Cal Ranch/IFA type place in weeks. I bought mine from the site I linked- it was cheaper than any other site I found.
Sphinx, I love your egg display! Question for you...I am coming to Taylor on 1/19 for my granddaughters bday, would you want to save and sell me some eggs to produce olive eggers? I need a couple olive eggers this year, mine are graduating out of the program. I am ready to get my spring chicks hatched. I want to add 2 White Rock, 2 BR, 2GSL, 2+ olive eggers, 2 FBCM, and a few ornamentals.
Sphinx, I love your egg display! Question for you...I am coming to Taylor on 1/19 for my granddaughters bday, would you want to save and sell me some eggs to produce olive eggers? I need a couple olive eggers this year, mine are graduating out of the program. I am ready to get my spring chicks hatched. I want to add 2 White Rock, 2 BR, 2GSL, 2+ olive eggers, 2 FBCM, and a few ornamentals.
I love it "Graduating out of the program"

what is considered a graduate, just wondering...
I love it "Graduating out of the program"  :lau

what is considered a graduate, just wondering...

Haha...well they are two plus yrs old, and not laying so much. I want to get replacements lined up :)
I have 17 that either are two or are turning two shortly....by this fall they will be "graduated"(either sold or consumed) before the cold months, except for a couple of my favorites. It is so hard to part with them, but I cannot justify the price of feeding them just for pets only, if they are not producing eggs so much.
I know, I have 18 out there, and I need to get rid of at least 3 or 4 of them. I have that many because most were just fun straight run chicks. And now I have an incubator…. hmmmm… But I really don't count the 2 silkies, the japanese bantam, and the bantam cochin, so I guess I really only have 14 large girls out there. hahaha, chicken math.
Haha...well they are two plus yrs old, and not laying so much. I want to get replacements lined up

I have 17 that either are two or are turning two shortly....by this fall they will be "graduated"(either sold or consumed) before the cold months, except for a couple of my favorites. It is so hard to part with them, but I cannot justify the price of feeding them just for pets only, if they are not producing eggs so much.

I do the same thing. Wish someone was close to me that had eggs to sell. Oh wait, I just may be getting some legbar eggs from the gal that is selling her flock eventually. I told her, save me some eggs first! She said she would. :)
Lisa, have you seen the Tetra Tints? I just lost one..out of 4 doz. !!! The box was a full week late, during that real cold blast we had..when it dipped in the minus. Well, one baby made it to lock down, it was full of fluid, didn't make it. :( It was pure white, I knew what it was going to be because I talked with the gal that sent them. She was hoping it would make it, me too. I love how the tint of red comes out in them. I'll find a couple of photos. Leghorn and sex link mix. Can be a red or a black. I love the red tint. These lay brown eggs! Big ones! Something that lays great, and is an interesting color. The gal found out last night, and she is going to send me more in the spring. I guess a lot of folks back east have them in their stores, like our IFA and Cal Ranch..not sure I've ever seen them here?

I really like them, they say they lay an egg a day.
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Sphinx, love your egg holder. Have a fun time one day, fill it up with all of your different colors, and post a photo.
HI ALL I am finally in Phoenix well Mesa really. Its 76 during the day but when the Sun goes down its really cold. Like 36. I am exhaustred but the grandkids are so happy to see me they won't leave me alone for a minute. I am glad I'm not staying at my sons hpuse. I go there every day to swim His pool is heated via solar to 98 so its really comfortable. my house sitter tells me the girls are all doing great. Theyare all laying like crazy due to the heat lamp I guess. I hope to take some pictures and post them soon

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