
I do the same thing. Wish someone was close to me that had eggs to sell. Oh wait, I just may be getting some legbar eggs from the gal that is selling her flock eventually. I told her, save me some eggs first! She said she would. :) Lisa, have you seen the Tetra Tints? I just lost one..out of 4 doz. !!! The box was a full week late, during that real cold blast we had..when it dipped in the minus. Well, one baby made it to lock down, it was full of fluid, didn't make it. :( It was pure white, I knew what it was going to be because I talked with the gal that sent them. She was hoping it would make it, me too. I love how the tint of red comes out in them. I'll find a couple of photos. Leghorn and sex link mix. Can be a red or a black. I love the red tint. These lay brown eggs! Big ones! Something that lays great, and is an interesting color. The gal found out last night, and she is going to send me more in the spring. I guess a lot of folks back east have them in their stores, like our IFA and Cal Ranch..not sure I've ever seen them here? I really like them, they say they lay an egg a day.
Never heard of them, they look fun! Sundance, glad you made it! Enjoy that nice warm weather, it is not so great here :(
Have to share. Found out today that I am going to be a great grandmother!
What are your favorite breeds for foraging? (My aunt wants to get some good bug eaters...)

I've heard that different breeds are better scavengers than others... is this true?
I need to start planning which breeds to add to our flock this spring. We already have 2 easter eggers (which I LOVE! When they are laying they lay the best of all the breeds we have), BSL, Welsummer, Buff Orpington, Barred Rock and Exchequer Leghorn. Which breeds would you add? I want 5-6 more...about. My ladies will be 2 years old this year so I know that they will start slowing down so I want to add some new layers.

I am thinking a Leghorn and a RIR for their laying. Cream Legbar because I've wanted one for a few years, SBEL, Marans (or other dark layer, I love a variety). I would love to buy heritage quality ones, but my feed store birds have been great so far.
Lisa, I'd be happy to save you some olive eggers and some FBCM. I think my FBCM stock is stunning. The feathers on the legs are amazing. As far as OE, would you want eggs that are 3/4 fbcm and 1/4 legbar, or would you want a blue egg (so either leghorn/lav am mix or legbar mom) with FBCM dad? Either way, I can start saving, and would be happy to meet up with you.

Cynthia, CONGRATULATIONS, GREAT GRANDMA!!!!! I'm still looking for a legbar rooster, and possibly a couple pullets, so keep me in the loop with your friend! As soon as I get my egg holder, I'll load it and take a picture. I got FOURTEEN eggs today. Woot!

Hi Melissa! You have to PM an admin to change your name. I hated my initial screen name. I sent a message to an admin, and they changed it for me.

Sundance, glad you FINALLY made it to Mesa!!

Ace, I've never really given my chickens much chance to forage a lot, so I'm not sure which breeds are good for that or not.

I am trying desperately to NOT add anything to my flock, other than a legbar. 24 chickens is a LOT!

Here's my eggs from today (plus a couple from yesterday that weren't sold/eaten- yesterday's four are the bottom four on the right).
Lisa, I'd be happy to save you some olive eggers and some FBCM. I think my FBCM stock is stunning. The feathers on the legs are amazing.  As far as OE, would you want eggs that are 3/4 fbcm and 1/4 legbar, or would you want a blue egg (so either leghorn/lav am mix or legbar mom) with FBCM dad? Either way, I can start saving, and would be happy to meet up with you.

Which blue egg laying Momma lays the biggest eggs? The SBEL Maybe? I am all about the eggs :D If so I would go with some from her, and maybe a few from the 3/4 FBCM 1/4 legbar pair and maybe a few full FBCM...your FBCM are pretty, I would LOVE some, but I am no good at hatching dark eggs, they seem to always get the "goop". I end up getting my FBCM as pullets after much frustration. I did get one to hatch last year from DMRippy, she is gorgeous, but it took a lot of egg hatching to get her. I would love to give it another try! I definitely need more olive eggers though, my good olive eggers are all getting older ( I did get two new ones last year but neither lay olive!)
Ace, Icelandic chickens are incredible foragers! They'll go through everything - even swept up and dirty chicken litter, to my chagrin. However, they're not terribly common around here. My RIR has always been a great forager. She likes to hang out in the yard when people are digging or doing yard work so that she can eat the bugs that come up. My BR's have also been good at foraging. Hope that helps.

Cynthia, congratulations! Wow!

Sundance, I'm so glad you guys finally made it down there! You'd better be relaxing and basking in all of that warmth.

Alright, my friends - COLD BULLETIN: The polar vortex that's currently over the east coast is supposed to move our way by Thursday, so it could get very cold around here. I think I'm going to look for a tarp big enough to stretch over part of the run to help keep the wind out and the heat in for my girlies. If all else fails, I'll be stuffing a bunch of very unhappy chickens in the garage for a few days until the Arctic temps warm back up. I have some pretty cold-hardy birds, but from what I was seeing on CNN today at work, it might get ferocious.

Oh! And I forgot to say so yesterday, but I think I have two new egg layers
My mutt-Icelandic pullet has given me a couple of very nice, big brown eggs, and I think the new BSL has started, as well. Awesome surprise in this cold weather!
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