
Wow that was fast, I posted all 5 of them on a Facebook Yardsale site, and they are already gone.  Someone from Payson wants to drive all the way up here to get them.  At least they are going to a great home with 3 acres.  So they will have lots of space.  Sad to see them go, but I can't keep them all. 

Is her name Brandi LOL
Okay if you think its a boy, he's getting a new home sooner rather then later.  Now that I will have 5 less to worry about when I'm off to Vegas.  Really hoping he doesn't forgot to at least give them fresh water and food everyday.  He's such a turd about stuff like that. 

I have been thinking the same thing, that that silver NN looks like a boy. The Marans/Nn mix looks girlie to me, the others I have no guess.
My hatch.is.still.going. Been up all night. All the blue eggs hatched. The Icelandics did not hatch as well, lots made it to lockdown and so I was tapping into them this morning to see if anyone was internally pipped...there were two that I *think* I saved, they seem to be coming along, and 4 that were full ready, dead in shell, all the blood gone. I could not see internal pips so thinking they just did not have enough fighting spirit to get out or what :( But all the eggs have been checked and are either finishing up or tossed. I think I have 4 icelandics and 21 SBEL's, 5 of which are leaving here in a few minutes to their new forever home.

ACE, if you want an SBEL, come take your pick. I have a lady coming to get 4 tomorrow. There are 16 left here, and I have a few that I want, so you can choose first if you beat her over here! Do you want any more Icelandics? I am keeping 2, so there are 2 more. One of the SBEL's is blue, one is a black and white chipmunk, the rest are white and some have black flecks.

Is anyone going from Logan down south toward Kimmypie? Kimmy-if we don't get these down to you, I have SBEL's hatching in two weeks from Cream Crested Legbars/Leghorns. They will have crests and possibly some barring. I know I will be coming to SLC right after that.

PICS: Most are not all the way fluffed out yet, but you can kind of see the colors.

Here is the blue one. It has orange around the face, this pic does not do her justice! Would not keep her eyes open.




Cute babies acemario!!!! :jumpy


ace..your babies are sooo cute.  :love


I live in Coalville.  But I have lived in Midvale (when I was a kid, it was considered waayy out in the boonies), Provo, and Pleasant Grove.  (I have also lived in Colorado, Idaho, Texas, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida, but I digress as these don't count for the "Utah" forum.)

Lots of people in Coalville have chickens but when I asked the city office, the newish employee said she didn't think we could have them!!!!:idunno   She is checking though.   :fl   I am planning on getting 4 baby chicks in March and am super-duper excited.  If the answer is NO, that would just make no sense for this rural town!!! 

Welcome to the utah thread!

ACE, if you want an SBEL, come take your pick. I have a lady coming to get 4 tomorrow. There are 16 left here, and I have a few that I want, so you can choose first if you beat her over here! Do you want any more Icelandics? I am keeping 2, so there are 2 more. One of the SBEL's is blue, one is a black and white chipmunk, the rest are white and some have black flecks.

Lisa. Let me talk to the boss. If she gives the o.k. Then we might stop by later tonight. I'll text you. I also ended up with 4. All that went into lockdown made it!
Okay, stupid question but what is a SBEL? Does it stand for a blue egg layer? Because if it does, I want 2 of them. I want a blue egg so bad. But I don't know how I would get it either being in Utah county. :(
Okay, stupid question but what is a SBEL? Does it stand for a blue egg layer?  Because if it does, I want 2 of them.  I want a blue egg so bad.  But I don't know how I would get it either being in Utah county.  :( 

Yes, Super Blue Egg Layers. A prolific white egg laying hen, such as a leghorn, crossed with a Rooster that comes from a blue egg, such as a Blue Wheaten Ameraucana --then the offspring grow up to lay lots of big blue eggs :D
Okay, I need 2 of them, and pray that one is a girl
, and I don't even care what color they grow up to be. Anyone going up to Logan area and coming to Salt Lake? I will be in Salt Lake both Tuesday and Thursday nights. Anyone?
My girls are loving the sunshine today, it is 60 degrees, Woot!

Here is what i just brought in!

Some of the pretty colors.


I have a FBCM named MAVIS I hatched from DMRippy that lays these....they are so round and big, not even ovals at all. Ouch.

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nice colored eggs you got there, I can't wait till I start getting some variety, I have all light tan to tan eggs, 1 Maran egg, and then just lonely green egg. Hopefully my other EE starts laying again. And I think the Houdan should lay a white egg right? She will be 1 in April, still nothing from her yet.

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