
New chicken owner here. BYC is a great resource. I picked up 8 chicks at IFA last Saturday and they all seem to be happy and doing well in my house under a heat lamp. I picked up 2 barred rocks, 2 RIR, 2 Ameraucanas and 2 black sex links. I am now trying to build out my kids backyard playhouse (avatar) and retrofit it into a coop. Any advice for a newbie?
Cynthia, we've never had mites. My birds HAVE had lice. The only thing I could get to work was sevin dust- dusted them at night after they'd gone to roost, and changed all bedding. I definitely did it at night, when they were more mellow. I followed the technique shown in this video, but used Sevin Dust.

Welcome, pfrosty! Your chicken coop will be so cute when it's done! I'd look at the henhouse plans here to get some ideas on retrofitting, and get some ideas on what works, what doesn't work.
New chicken owner here. BYC is a great resource. I picked up 8 chicks at IFA last Saturday and they all seem to be happy and doing well in my house under a heat lamp. I picked up 2 barred rocks, 2 RIR, 2 Ameraucanas and 2 black sex links. I am now trying to build out my kids backyard playhouse (avatar) and retrofit it into a coop. Any advice for a newbie?
Shpinx, maybe they are lice. Little brown orange buggies. I looked on all of my other girls again, don't see a thing! But, they all got the shake and bake bag treatment with the Seven. I can't get my dumb computer to pull that video up. Sometimes it will, sometimes it won't..and I just did a PC cleaner upper. ??
Whew, that was a job shaking those poor chickens around. My DH came out and helped. We got it done. I just get them in the run, then catch them. I only have 5 hens. I do have a cockerel and 3 other pullets out there. Didn't catch them..but maybe tonight. I put some in the nest boxes too..hope this helps.

Oh..the video came up.. I like that way better than the shake and bake method..lol..

Thank you!
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Gary, what are these tubes made of??
Shpinx, maybe they are lice.  Little brown orange buggies.  I looked on all of my other girls again, don't see a thing!   But, they all got the shake and bake bag treatment with the Seven.  I can't get my dumb computer to pull that video up.  Sometimes it will, sometimes it won't..and I just did a PC cleaner upper.   ?? 
Whew, that was a job shaking those poor chickens around.  My DH came out and helped.  We got it done. I just get them in the run, then catch them.  I only have 5 hens.  I do have a cockerel and 3 other pullets out there.  Didn't catch them..but maybe tonight.  I put some in the nest boxes too..hope this helps. 

Oh..the video came up.. I like that way better than the shake and bake method..lol..

Thank you!

That is what I get on mine. Little orangeish creepies and they are either in their muffs or under their vent on their undersides. They kind of cake on them, and they will have little orangish peeling skin right around where they are caking. If you figure out if they are mites or lice, let me know, I never have been positive. The mites are supposed to be beige and the mites reddish brown....mine are orange. Ewwww. I went out to check some of my girls after your post today Cynthia, I found three that had them out of the 15 or so I checked, so tomorrow, here we go again. I have not dipped mine all winter due to the cold, and it is still too cool, so the dusting and frontline will be the treatment again until the hot months....sevin and wood ashes in their dust bath. I have not seen any since November, I was not sure if they got them during the winter. I guess so!
Sphinx, were yours orange?
Thanks for the link, that guy is thorough. I need to get this done tomorrow. Ugh. So many chickens!

Funny thing, I was out inspecting, my "layer pen" is the big one and all the girls went nuts running from me, even the usually friendly girls, then I went over to the Polish/Houdans pen, and they are supposed to be more flighty. They came out the gate and sat on my feet. Squatted for inspection, and stayed on my feet. I kept moving my feet around to get them off, then right back on my feet. Silly. They were being unusually friendly, I loved it!
Lisa, I'm afraid that I've blocked the memory of what the lice looked like. Lice are in my trifecta of things that creep me out, so finding that I had treat dozens of my "children" for them was horrifying.

(for those keeping track, things that I can't stand the thought of my children getting are: pinworms, lice, pinkeye and vomiting. Yes, I realize that's more than 3, but deal with it)
pink eye is so sad. It's painful for them. I about died back in the 90's when my kids got lice! Our next door neighbors kids had them..bad! We lived in a duplex, and I swear, those things came through the walls..lol..at least that's how I pictured it. I did the mayo thing. Everything in the house got sprayed with "the stuff"..and their bedding was washed, and their stuffed animals got put into a garbage bag for a week and a half. Then, I told them to stay away from the kids next door. Come to find out, it was going around school pretty bad, the elementary school. My older kids didn't get them neither did I. The thing is, these things looked weird. The only way I can describe them is, orange, and the shape of a pencil lead..yep..strange shape! Just a little smaller than an actual pencil lead/head. Creeped me out! Got rid of them though, and didn't see them ever again. :()

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