
pink eye is so sad.  It's painful for them.  I about died back in the 90's when my kids got lice!   Our next door neighbors kids had them..bad!  We lived in a duplex, and I swear, those things came through the walls..lol..at least that's how I pictured it.   I did the mayo thing.  Everything in the house got sprayed with "the stuff"..and their bedding was washed, and their stuffed animals got put into a garbage bag for a week and a half.   Then, I told them to stay away from the kids next door.  Come to find out, it was going around school pretty bad, the elementary school.   My older kids didn't get them neither did I.  The thing is, these things looked weird.  The only way I can describe them is, orange, and the shape of a pencil lead..yep..strange shape!  Just a little smaller than an actual pencil lead/head.   Creeped me out!   Got rid of them though, and didn't see them ever again.   :()

Eww thank goodness. Well if human lice are orange, I wonder if chicken lice are orange. These look kind of flat, and small...I can't see real well close up without my readers so I can't describe them much more than that. They are just gross though lol. Hopefully they are gone now! I sprayed the coop, but ran out of dust so I need to make a run in the morning. Just finished up, I did not want to wait til morning. Neighbors are probably thinking I am crazy, out there chasing hens all over the place...
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Ha ha..that was us. Chickens making all sorts of those..help..help... screams like they do. You would think that we were heading for the chop block!

This is what the eggs sacs looked like. Exactly what they looked like.

This is what the bugs look like, they are orange.

I did this after dusting them, for a long time, with a few different soaps!

And this, is what I wish I had to do the job for me!

Cynthia...The little tubes are made from the reeds that are down around the lake. Not the native reeds but those really tall ones that have become a problem. I used the bottom feet of the reed because it is thicker and bigger round. They are jointed so they work out really good. I used different lengths of 3-6 inches. If the bees nest in them then i can see what length they prefer and make all of them that length next spring. You can actually buy man made ones on line that you can reused but i figure why waist money when the reeds are free.
Anyone want a Serama/Silkie Mix Chick? I'm pretty sure its going to be a Rooster. Starting to get really red on the top part of the comb. Very tiny, and cute little thing. And it looks more Silkie then then the other one. Totally has the Silkie split feathers, and is going to be very handsome. Has tons of colors going on, and deep buff throughout the chest, just a puffy chick.

Any takers? If not I will try KSL.

Sundance did you still want to buy the 3 Silkie chicks I have? They are Straight run, no one is squaring off with anyone, and they are all about the same size, so I can't say anything off the size. But I have the Chocolate, White, and the Partridge. They hatched Feb. 17, so they are going on 5 weeks old. Not sure when your going to be back home. I will be meeting Wendy next weekend to get OE hatching eggs in Salt Lake, so I can bring them up if your home.

I'm thinking of making another small shipping crate box coop for the babies. I'm hoping that it starts to warm up to the high 60s so they can go outside in the grow out pen during the day. So that way they are totally out of the house by the Easter Hatch. Any thoughts on how warm it needs to be outside before they can start going outside? They are 5 weeks on Monday. They have only had a 75 watt light for the last week, and they are really feathered. Last year, I didn't put anyone outside till they were 8 plus weeks, but I did baby them way more because they were my first batch. This time around I cut their 250 light off after 2 weeks, and have been dropping their light. I'm really thinking of turning the light off during the day starting tomorrow, because they are up in my loft and it gets about 75 up here everyday with the sun, we've been dying of heat we have been opening the windows up, so I think they will be fine. Can't wait to kick them all out.
Lisa..Shpinx!   What is that drop of stuff you were talking about to get rid of mites?  I think it is for dogs..but you said it was good for chickens?  I have been checking out my girls, was really pleased that I wasn't seeing anything, until my last girl!  Oh my goodness!  Why just her?   I have straw out there, and expect to see them on the chickens after a winter of straw, but, was so surprised at how well they were doing.  But like I said, the one girl..oh dear.  I may have to oil her up. 
I just use the garden and poultry dust and It works good. I got it from IFA.

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