
I'm so very sorry to hear that you have to lose a bird. I've never actually done one so I couldn't help you out. Plus I'm in Utah County. Maybe you could post her on KSL, and see if anyone wants to come get her for you.

I'm so very sorry.
Erykah--post her on KSL as a free meat bird...that she must be culled immediately due to birth defects that are causing her to suffer....someone will get her fast I am sure! SO sorry she is not making it, makes me sad too! She is a sweetie. :hugs
I need help!!!!

Anyone who is near the South Weber area.

I am at the point where a chicken of ours needs to be "culled".

However, I must admit, I could never do it myself. I am too scared and too sad.

Does it sounds strange that I want to take her to the vet and have them "put her to sleep"?

Does anyone wanna do it? I would totally pay you. But I couldn't watch. I have a very bad ugly cry that should not be made public.

Yes KSL! So sorry.
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I'm close to you, Erykah, but I've only culled one chick ever, and she was tiny. I'm not sure what I'd do with a bigger chicken. I agree with the others that if she's an adult, or close to it, post an ad on KSL for free. You'll have takers.

Silly, I don't want the silkie mix, but I'd sure love to see a picture of it.
i am lucky to have a dad that is willing to cull mine. tho i would do mine if i had too i guess. if i lived up that way i would help you. hope you find someone soon. hugs. as for all that mites and lice stuff going around for many of you i agree with the wood ash. my girls love ash. and it helps with any odors of the coop. and it will help your plants
Hi folks! I was told by Cynthia12 to join the Utah forums, so here I am!

my name is Leslie, and I am in Springville.

I have been around chickens growing up, and am now getting into the chicken thing again :)

I was looking for some chicks (1 of each, but all females) white Silkie, blue cochin banty, easter egger, and a buff orpington.

I'm also looking for 2 ducks (female preferred) cayuga, and a welsh harlequin.

I found somewhere to get them in Salt Lake, but I was hoping to find something in south Utah County

If anyone has some for sale, please PM me!

Hi folks! I was told by Cynthia12 to join the Utah forums, so here I am!

my name is Leslie, and I am in Springville.

I have been around chickens growing up, and am now getting into the chicken thing again :)

I was looking for some chicks (1 of each, but all females) white Silkie, blue cochin banty, easter egger, and a buff orpington.

I'm also looking for 2 ducks (female preferred) cayuga, and a welsh harlequin.

I found somewhere to get them in Salt Lake, but I was hoping to find something in south Utah County

If anyone has some for sale, please PM me!


There you are! Good to see you here! If you are wanting a buff Orpington, I have one..that is a couple of months old. Are you set up for chickens?
Glad you found us..saw your pm..but then saw you were here, so came here.
I will have some silkies soon. I know Karen..Silly on here, has some silkies, but I think she's getting rid of roos. I will have EE eggs in my bator soon, so, get set up for chickens! You're in Springville..close..yaay!
I'm only prepared for chicks right now. We will be building our coop etc before they're old enough to be out there.

If I can't find any within the next couple of days, I'll likely just order them from the gal in SLC (don't want to wait too long and end up with nothing! ;) )
I'm only prepared for chicks right now. We will be building our coop etc before they're old enough to be out there.

If I can't find any within the next couple of days, I'll likely just order them from the gal in SLC (don't want to wait too long and end up with nothing! ;) )

Well, I will have the silkies here by the 4th. And I just talked with someone that is sending me blues and greens..eggs..for the hatch a long. Those will be set on the 29th..so they will hatch just before Easter. My buff is the oldest..like I said, around 2 months. Showing that sweet BO personality.
Oh..BTW..love your name..bistyhorse..and I know .. I think I know what that means. ;)

If you check back later, and off and on, you will see others welcoming you.

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