
175 eggs....:yesss:
Truly, you are "the madchicken". Lol have fun with all those eggs! You still have the quail from me or are these different ones? I kinda miss the quail :rolleyes:
I also built a waterer and feeder and a fodder rack with seven tubs, pump, and timer. I forgot to admit all that earlier.
You are becoming a bigger chicken geek by the minute. I have fodder going as well lol! Love it! But pumps and timers?? Whoa you are so in the chicken geek zone lol it's awesome!
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Sidewing - it's crazy. I also failed to mention that I am now planning for rabbits. Like they say, chicken raising is the gateway husbandry. I didn't know it would progress so quickly.
Sorry for the multiple posts, I am reading backwards through the thread...Neuport you are definitely in the geek zone as well, you will be welcomed here with open arms haha! At the rate you are going I am scared to see what you will have going on by next spring! Haha Power to you!
Sidewing - it's crazy. I also failed to mention that I am now planning for rabbits. Like they say, chicken raising is the gateway husbandry. I didn't know it would progress so quickly.

Did I forget to mention our three lionheads in the cages we assembled ourselves? We are hoping for two sets of kits in less than a month.
doe number 1


Truly, you are "the madchicken". Lol have fun with all those eggs! You still have the quail from me or are these different ones? I kinda miss the quail :rolleyes:
You are becoming a bigger chicken geek by the minute. I have fodder going as well lol! Love it! But pumps and timers?? Whoa you are so in the chicken geek zone lol it's awesome!

I love automating and building things.
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I'm envious of you builders! I need to add on to my coop and probably fix a few things on it to winterized it but I don't have a clue. :/ I'm not a visualizer and I've never built anything. Of course my husband would have to be gone for the summer. He's not a builder or visualizer either so he's not much help anyway. He does have muscle though any that's always handy!

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