
I started them incubating at 10am on Sat Dec 17. So, we're halfway through day 21. And, as I learned today, that was one of the very best times to start chicks, as they are hatching on a full moon, which is evidently good, makes them stronger chicks or something.

Four more have pipped but I don't think any of them will hatch tonight. Two of the holes are tiny tiny, the other two are about pencil eraser sized.
Ok, my personal way of doing things again. At this point, if I have pipped eggs on day 22, I take the ones that are pipped, and zip them all the way around. That's if I don't get any "drops" of blood. If there is a smear of blood, but very little, it shouldn't hurt them. Then I put them all back in the bator~if alive of course..to do the rest. Then watch, if they aren't out in a couple of hrs..I pull the top part out a bit. It's worth it when you haven't had many hatch.
Your babies that are in there are needing to be put in the broody pretty quick anyway because they are dry. I notice they are breathing pretty rapidly, humid for them.. I think they will do fine in the brooder now. Again, the way I do things because I don't have a larger flock. Most of the folks that let nature "decide" are "usually" the ones that breed, or have large flocks and don't need to keep what they have.
Anyway you decide, congrats on your babies! I still love the color of that first one! The second one looks to have chipmunk markings?
Enjoy your babies!! Give them a snuggle for me..I can hardly wait.
Oh, and I am so glad that you shared that they had funky eggs sacs..that's what I'm stressing about right now. My eggs have some pretty large air sacs going up the side. I've had plenty hatch on their own with that, but lost some because of it. Last time I saved one that had pipped, but couldn't reach the shell, too much space. This time, I'm not going to wait, even on day 21, I'm going in to see what's up. These are pure Ameraucanas from a gal on here that sells them for over a hundred dollars. I lucked out when I ordered her EE's, they weren't laying real well at the time and she had to put pure ones in.
Lucky me. Now if they will just hatch! Tues. I can say, a week away from lock down!
Cynthia, I'm with you, I think.

I was all set to go assist a little bit when I got up. When I awoke, I discovered that one was about 3/4 zipped, and another about 1/2 zipped. The third one had bigger hole- I peeled back a little of the egg, and it was going strong in there.

I took the incubator in a steamy bathroom and got the fluffed out chicks out.

Chick #4 just hatched about 3 minutes ago. Chick #5 looks awfully close. Chick #6 is probably further away. I may assist it a little later one, those it hasn't been 24 hours for it yet. I held chick #7 to my hear, and I couldn't hear anything. That's so heartbreaking to me, because it was the one that I first heard chirp out loud. I will give it a couple extra days though, I think.

Here's the first three. So cute!

#4 looks like it'll be a chipmunk chick. #5 looks like it'll be mostly black.
Oh my gosh! They are so cute! Three totally different kinds--I do not know what GLW chicks looks like, are any of them looking like that kind? Maybe the buff? I have to tease here, maybe you caught "Cynthia's knack for black" haha. Always a blackie in the bunch
they are all adorable. Does that chipmunk have puffy cheeks
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Aww, dd you snuggle them for me like I asked?

Oh my goodness, I just went to your cam..you have 6 babies!!! Congrats..that's pretty good, didn't you start with 7 in lock down? Not bad. They are darling. They seem to love the light. The look so healthy, up and about. Great! Now you have to snuggle some more.
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