
LadyIsadora, I think Cynthia has treated bumblefoot before, and I can't remember who else. So hopefully someone here can offer you some advice. I'm not much help, sorry. And I have seen a lot of skunks hit on the roads lately, too. I think it is the breeding season for the critters.

Okay, so we got 550 lbs of barley from a local farmer here for feed, and it turns out it's starting to ferment. We gave some to the flock and while the chickens seem to be fine, the turkeys are getting quite silly. One keeps trying to pick fights and is staggering around. Fortunately, she's not very well coordinated at the moment, and the rooster she tries to fight with is on the other side of a fence. Yes, it seems that turkeys still make mean drunks, no matter the breed. Let the entertainment ensue.
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LadyIsadora I would love to take your ash if you would be so kind as to offer it.
I live up in Cache Valley but will work something out to procure it. I am a bit behind on the thread so I will have to try to catch up and reply as best I can. Ace, I would love your ash as well, if it is not a problem… sorry you did not catch your offender.
Red your rooster is beautiful to say the least, sorry about you latest loss…
Lisa that egg was HUGE and perhaps the largest egg I've know of.
What ever kind of chicken laid that egg, is the breed that Red is looking for to replace her Cornish X's that are slated for the pot.
I counted three raccoons dead on the road today, during my drive in for lumber. I am in the final stretch on the bath house, perhaps I might try to paint this afternoon, perhaps. The window for such things is fast closing. I believe the stores sell a lot more live traps, than varmints are caught. It is quite a bit harder than it looks on the surface.

For winter water, use a five gallon bucket with a bucket heater and horizontal nipples. Seemed to work good for me last winter and expect the same for this year. While I am working on this post Red has mean drunk turkeys.
One never knows what they will encounter here in the Utah Area 51 thread.

Best to all and your birds,


EDIT: Sorry I can't help with the bumble foot…
And on the C.O.B. trial, it has been so so. I've not given up on it yet. Also the corn is rolled along with the oats & barley, so size is not so much of an obstacle in feeding to my smaller banty birds.
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LadyIsadora, I think Cynthia has treated bumblefoot before, and I can't remember who else. So hopefully someone here can offer you some advice. I'm not much help, sorry. And I have seen a lot of skunks hit on the roads lately, too. I think it is the breeding season for the critters.

Okay, so we got 550 lbs of barley from a local farmer here for feed, and it turns out it's starting to ferment. We gave some to the flock and while the chickens seem to be fine, the turkeys are getting quite silly. One keeps trying to pick fights and is staggering around. Fortunately, she's not very well coordinated at the moment, and the rooster she tries to fight with is on the other side of a fence. Yes, it seems that turkeys still make mean drunks, no matter the breed. Let the entertainment ensue.
bwahahahah drunk turkeys.

I hope Cynthia--or someone with experience -- chimes in here. to be clear, I'm not looking for advise. I got that. what I need is another person and a steady hand. I will come to you, or you can come here. I just cant do it alone. someone has to hold the bird while someone cuts into the foot.
The vet was not at all helpful in this case. His advise was to keep her on the pond as much as possible to keep the weight off of it and let it run its course. Then (days later I got a call back) and was informed they charge by the minute for this surgery. Looking at 180.00 and up, I think they said. Really I dont remember. I know it was enough that my eyes glazed over and I staggered back a few feet. That is just not an option.
It does not look that difficult, just gross and a bit time consuming. Lots of after care.

I need help to save her life. The alternative is freezer camp.
That would break my heart. and she is so small it would not be worth it anyway. She is such a great duck. superb layer, sweet personality. I just cant loose her over a bumble.

Sent you a PM rjsorensen ;-)
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Look under Pekin Duck Club! thread. They used Epsom salt and clear iodine. No cutting.

You'll have to go back a few pages from the end.
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Hi Folks!

I was gone for a funeral over the weekend and came back to bad news. I have to get rid of my BCM rooster. He is a great rooster and came from Lisa. He was hatched from a nice dark egg. He was supposed to be the basis of my new BCM breeding project, but I have to let him go. I'm working with the city to try to at least keep my SLW roo I just got from Foley. Our city code does not say they don't allow roosters, but city hall says they do not allow it. Argh!

If one of you BYC'rs are interested you can have him for free. I would like to see him go to a good home. I will try to get updated pics. I'm in the Herriman area.

He does have feathers down his legs, but the RSL's picked them off when he was young. They will be back.
Hi Folks!

I was gone for a funeral over the weekend and came back to bad news. I have to get rid of my BCM rooster. He is a great rooster and came from Lisa. He was hatched from a nice dark egg. He was supposed to be the basis of my new BCM breeding project, but I have to let him go. I'm working with the city to try to at least keep my SLW roo I just got from Foley. Our city code does not say they don't allow roosters, but city hall says they do not allow it. Argh!

If one of you BYC'rs are interested you can have him for free. I would like to see him go to a good home. I will try to get updated pics. I'm in the Herriman area.

He does have feathers down his legs, but the RSL's picked them off when he was young. They will be back.

That stinks. I'm sorry. That could put a damper on your breeding project. I hope you can work something out and you are able to keep your SLW rooster.
Awful you both have had to suffer because of this awful disease
Cynthia I am glad to hear he is doing ok. He is lucky you were his mom!

So I have this GSL, she lays the huge egg every day, and the last I egg I had gotten was Tuesday. No egg Wed, Thurs I went out, no egg...I noticed she was in the corner of the run acting like she was pushing to lay an egg, which I thought was odd because she always uses the nest. Watched her for an hour off and on, she kind of went about her day. No egg still Friday...Saturday morning we went out to have coffee/watch chickens in the morning and she was doing it again, walking around real slow with her bum down to the ground, and I could see an egg when she would push, then it would go back in. I thought, great, another egg bound chicken...she was hanging out last night with her wings dropped looking pretty pale. I was sure that was it and she would not make it. Went out this morning, she was still looking pretty bad. About an hour later my son went out to get eggs, and brought in this egg---it is absolutely hers I only have two tan eggers and the other is laying fine. WHOA!!!!! No wonder it took so long to lay, She looked quite perky this afternoon, poor thing I don't know how she was able to pass this.

Weird thing is....only one yolk! A very big fat yolk. Poor girl! I have had some huge eggs, and even a triple yolker that was really long and narrow...but this one takes the cake so far. (width wise)

Wow! Did you weigh it?
Both of my chickens have bald like patches running from their chest down to their legs, is this normal and if not what should I do about it? I was also wondering if anybody has turkeys (specifically in Provo) I am thinking about getting some in spring, any tips or suggestions?

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