
Lady, yes .. bumble foot, just finished doing two here. Well, almost finished, one was well enough I sold her with bandages on, and showed the gal that took her how to do the change.
The best trick is to cover their head..good! So they can't see. Make sure the wings are flat of course. Don't pull the legs up..that's an akward position, and they will kick, or try and bring them back in. Makes for a scary situation when you have that knife in your hand. I just bought a punch for doing them. Afraid I bought it too big. Really made them bleed for a while. But, they heal so well. At least it was a quick getting the kernnel out.
Here is a photo of a couple of my reds that had bumble foot at the same time.
Where do you live?

I saw a u tube vid that used the punch. It did look brutal but most of the feed back was that it healed better than traditional scalpel removal.
I am in Kearns, I dont have a day job. I can come to you whenever you might have time for me. well except Saturday. Thats halloween and if I miss my daughters party Ill be the ghost at the next one ;-)
I saw a u tube vid that used the punch. It did look brutal but most of the feed back was that it healed better than traditional scalpel removal.
I am in Kearns, I dont have a day job. I can come to you whenever you might have time for me. well except Saturday. Thats halloween and if I miss my daughters party Ill be the ghost at the next one ;-)

I will be here tomorrow, or Fri. If it isn't raining, we can do this on the front lawn. I changed a bandage on one of mine before it went to another home the other day.
Cynthia that is awesome that you would help out with the ducks foot.
I tip my hat in your general direction. I did a end of season hose down of the banty coop today, a little chilly to have wet hands. But warmer than it might be for a while. Looks like colder weather is on the horizon, better find the bucket heaters. Last year it was mid November before I was forced to use them.

Sidewing, how is your problem with the city and roosters going? I know over on the west side of Harriman, near the horse trail(s) they have chickens with roosters. Is it just in your area or is it city wide? I have a son down your way, so I have an interest in how your situation goes.

Best to all and your birds,

Cynthia that is awesome that you would help out with the ducks foot.
I tip my hat in your general direction. I did a end of season hose down of the banty coop today, a little chilly to have wet hands. But warmer than it might be for a while. Looks like colder weather is on the horizon, better find the bucket heaters. Last year it was mid November before I was forced to use them.

Sidewing, how is your problem with the city and roosters going? I know over on the west side of Harriman, near the horse trail(s) they have chickens with roosters. Is it just in your area or is it city wide? I have a son down your way, so I have an interest in how your situation goes.

Best to all and your birds,

I have engaged in an email with the Head of City Planning. The conversation with the regular city planning lady went like this.

Lady: Oh, yes, we just don't allow roosters in this city.

Me: Ok, please show me where that is in the code because I have spent a great deal on show quality birds. And family food production would not last long without a rooster.

Lady: Ok, let me see..... ummm....

Me: I'm looking at Chapter 2 section 10-1-2 is that what you're looking for?

Lady: Oh, yes that's it.. .you can't have roosters.

So I read it to her. Our city code says this.

"FAMILY FOOD PRODUCTION: The keeping of the following animals is allowed as listed in the chart below in the zones where the use is permitted. The number of animals may be doubled temporarily if the increase is related strictly to meat or milk production. The keeping of more animals than listed in the chart or allowed temporarily for milk or meat production may be approved as a conditional use where listed as a conditional use in that zone. Small animals shall be rabbits, chickens, pheasants, ducks, and pigeons. Medium animals shall be sheep, goats, turkeys, geese, and miniature horses. Large animals shall be cows, horses, and alpaca.

The keeping of animals must conform with good animal husbandry practices including, but not limited to, mitigation of noise, smells, insects, rodents, dust, or other nuisance type effects of family food production."

My lot size permits 40 small animals.

Me: So where in there does it prohibit roosters?

Lady: Well, ummm... we just don't allow it.

Me: I can see that the general consensus down there at city hall is that you don't like roosters, but I don't see an ordinance prohibiting it so I believe I will keep my roosters.

Lady: Wait, let me see (talking and whisper in the background). Ok sir. If roosters were allowed the code would specifically say they were allowed. Since it does not then you can't keep them.

Me: Ma'am a chicken is not a sex of a bird, it's a kind of bird. Just because the code says "chicken" doesn't in anyway specify sex. What your telling me is that I also can't keep my hens.

Lady: Well, you can suggest a text change if you like after you get rid of them.

Me: I don't need or want a text change Ma'am. I like the fact that I can keep all kind of chickens according to this code.

Lady: Let me give you the email to the head of city planning. I'm not sure what to do in this case.

Me: Thanks.

(End of conversation)

IN THIS CASE!? You mean you have bullied every chicken owner in this city out of roosters for years on shoddy written city code!

I have written an email to the head of city planning stating that I will be more careful about "noise mitigation" and that I would get rid of all but 1 rooster for now. And that if that did not satisfy them then to let me know so that I can retain legal council since I'm not out of code with my "chickens".
In my email to the head of planning I did say I would get rid of all my roosters except one for now and that I would sound proof my coops a bit more. I have my Marans up for free for any BYC member and it's up for sale on KSL right now.

If anyone here would like him for a BCM or olive egger project he would be perfect. Just let me know and he's yours!
To answer your question a little more directly RJ I believe the code is written in a way that would allow folks to keep roosters UNLESS they get a noise complaint from neighbors. There are many a rooster in Herriman including at least one other in my neighborhood.
To answer your question a little more directly RJ I believe the code is written in a way that would allow folks to keep roosters UNLESS they get a noise complaint from neighbors. There are many a rooster in Herriman including at least one other in my neighborhood.
yep....my Brahma around the corner and down the way a bit
. I should just get rid of him before I get called on him.....sigh.

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