
Ha! So far I don't think anyone has complained. Honestly I want to get rid of him just because he is simply too big for my hens. I just feel guilty getting rid of him because he is such a good rooster with them for the most part and very timid with me. I hate to give him a death sentence just based on his sex and crow.
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In my email to the head of planning I did say I would get rid of all my roosters except one for now and that I would sound proof my coops a bit more. I have my Marans up for free for any BYC member and it's up for sale on KSL right now.

If anyone here would like him for a BCM or olive egger project he would be perfect. Just let me know and he's yours!

What about a collar? I haven't tried them, but I know people that have and loved them...
I will be here tomorrow, or Fri. If it isn't raining, we can do this on the front lawn.  I changed a bandage on one of mine before it went to another home the other day. 

Thank you, Cynthia. Isadora, if for some reason you are unable to get down to Cynthia's by Friday, I might be able to stop by after work and help you. I've never done the surgery before, but I don't want you to lose your baby. It sounds like you are in good hands with Cynthia, though :)

Thank you for this advice, I am thinking about getting some for meat. Do you know if they are legal in Provo and how much room each turkey needs? 

I don't know off the top of my head, but I'll try to look and see if I can find anything on regulations. In general, you will want space for them to roam or a large run, because they will wander. The Broad Breasted Whites are calmer than the Broad Breasted Bronze, in my experience, and both get quite large. If you have anything around that they can forge on (grass, berries, bugs, etc.) they will pig out and supplement a diet of pellets nicely. I have used the game bird feed or meat bird starter and grower with good results, but you want to be careful to moderate how much grower they get a day so that they don't eat to death. Trust me, they're little piggies.
In my email to the head of planning I did say I would get rid of all my roosters except one for now and that I would sound proof my coops a bit more. I have my Marans up for free for any BYC member and it's up for sale on KSL right now.

If anyone here would like him for a BCM or olive egger project he would be perfect. Just let me know and he's yours!

I am so glad you stood up to them. Sometimes buracrats think they can always tell you what to you. thanks for setting them straight. I liked the part where she said you just can't what a pain. Its very hot here still chickens are having a hard time adjusting
Thank you, Cynthia. Isadora, if for some reason you are unable to get down to Cynthia's by Friday, I might be able to stop by after work and help you. I've never done the surgery before, but I don't want you to lose your baby. It sounds like you are in good hands with Cynthia, though

I don't know off the top of my head, but I'll try to look and see if I can find anything on regulations. In general, you will want space for them to roam or a large run, because they will wander. The Broad Breasted Whites are calmer than the Broad Breasted Bronze, in my experience, and both get quite large. If you have anything around that they can forge on (grass, berries, bugs, etc.) they will pig out and supplement a diet of pellets nicely. I have used the game bird feed or meat bird starter and grower with good results, but you want to be careful to moderate how much grower they get a day so that they don't eat to death. Trust me, they're little piggies.

my turkeys killed some of my chickens so they went to freezer camp
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Okay, pjmiller, I can't see anything that specifically references domesticated turkeys in Provo's city code. Here's the link:


It outlines chickens pretty clearly and prohibits feeding wild turkeys, but nothing about domestic turkeys. It does say that chickens may be kept only for eggs, so it might not be a bad idea to have a private area to butcher your turkeys when camp day comes up. I would still contact someone at the city and ask them specifically if there are any prohibitions, since chicken keepers are required to register with the city. I don't want to get you in trouble. But in a nutshell:

Section 8.02.020 says the animal(s) have to have adequate shelter, food, and water.

Section 8.02.100 says that they can't be a nuisance animal, which means if they're making a lot of noise or stink really bad. You'll also want a pen for them so that they don't wander in to neighboring yards.

Section 8.02.110 reiterates that animals need to be penned and not in someone else's yard.

Section 8.02.120 says you need to keep the animal's pen clean.

Section 8.02.190 is the section on chickens, if you need it. It dictates the square footage required for the number of chickens being kept. The minimum is 6,000 sq ft for two chickens. I'm not sure how the city would calculate the size requirements for a larger bird like turkeys. Again, you'll probably want to talk to someone at the city building and ask them specifically about requirements or restrictions.

And like Sundancen said, some turkeys don't mix well with other animals, so you'll probably want the pen to be separate from where you keep chickens or ducks or that.
Red, you are closer, Kerns is so far for him to come..why don't you give it a try. It's pretty easy. Although, I have not done a ducks foot. Not sure how to wrap one, but I think it can be figured out. You will get some experience. Sounds like the sooner this is done the better, being infected, not good. :/
sidewing i am sorry city hall is being such a pain. good for you for standing up to them! best of luck :)

as for bumble foot i hate that so bad. had a hen with it once. its horrible. but my hands are a lot more unsteady these days so i would not be any good at helping sadly. but it sounds like you have some fantastic help with it :) such good people on this thread

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