
sundancenbare, I'm so sorry for your loss. My heart brakes for you and your family. Hope you get back to the warm of Mesa safely, and soon. I wish I were joining you. This cold is not my cup of tea.

RedIII, thanks. no progress on her yet. She is holding her own for now. Thanks for asking after her. She is the sweetest little duck. She is beginning to relax a bit more during her treatments. She still runs like heck when I am trying to collect her, but once she gets into the water she seems pretty okay about it.
She is still laying so I have hope that Im doing some good by her. (all of my girls are still laying)

Wishing the best for you and your flocks.
Well at least I know I'm not the only one! Thanks, Ace. I'm not sure if I want to do a light or not. The two girls that will be staying with me through the winter are almost 4 years old already.

Boy that's weird to think about...... Two chickens and a rooster for me. :/
you know you have many friends that can help make your flock bigger :p
@sideWing , how about some more pics of your SLW!?!?!

In the mean time, here is mine after her recent molt:
The lacing is looking sharp Ace! I have been out of town for a week so I'm trying to catch up. I have not had a good photoshoot yet, but here are some snaps. They got a little dirty from our rains. (after the Washington Memorial from last week).

I have not come up with a name for her yet. Maybe Eula.

Look at all that delicious lacing! Almost as round from the top view as they are from the side.

Rooster Cogburn standing proud.

Ace that SLW is gorgeous!

Brad, congrats on the new egger!

@Sterling18-- I am still getting fertile eggs, the last person to get some just had a good hatch. They are supposed to be less fertile this time of year so not sure if they would still be 100 percent but there were no clears the last few hatches so I think they are still good to go so long as I can collect them before they get too cold. I am in Logan...there's blue/black/splash Marans out there, some eggs that would yield some nice olive eggers, and then some eggs that would be silkies/showgirls/ either frizzled, silkied or smooth. The silkie/showgirl pen is not separated out so the SQ birds are in with the Pet quality birds so the chicks could be varying degrees of quality until Spring when I separate them. The silkies have been turning out awesome from all these birds, but the showgirls are turning out about 1/3 I keep and 2/3 not big enough hairdos or the right toe spacing from the pet/SQ mixed up so I need to pull some of the hens out there that aren't giving me the traits I need. Still darn cute pets though
. My Ameraucana roo is starting to mate my wheaten hens but they just started and I doubt they are fertile yet. You could try. He has some frizzles going in for frizzled olive eggers in the spring and SBELS if I can track down a leghorn hen or two. ( I posted some pics a ways back if you wanted to sort through my posts.) Can't wait for Spring....

Someone is coming up from pleasant grove on Tuesday to buy birds if you needed eggs sent down south.

If anybody sells a leghorn pullet between now and Spring holler! Doesn't have to be perfect, just a great layer for my SBEL project. And from a healthy flock. If I can't find any I'll put my SBEL's in there to make second generation, the eggs would be deeper blue but the egg production would be less. I prefer the leghorn to get the white birds with polka dots though. The second generation gets wheaten colors mixed in there I get golds and buffs with gray in there, much like the EE store birds, they are not as cute to me.
Hey Lisa! I have two leghorn/EE mixes that lay a very light blue egg at least 6 days a week. I'm going to put them on KSL this week unless someone here is interested in them. They started laying about 2 months ago. Not sure if that would fit into your breeding program.
@sidewing--beautiful birds <3

I've got quite a few SBELs I could use, and other EE/Leghorn type mixes but thanks for asking! Mostly on the search for 1-2 pure leghorn. I like the first generation SBELS a lot, then I use them to make good OE's well :D

I bet in the spring a few will come around :D Not hatching for quite awhile so I'll keep lurking around for one or two.

Cynthia, I sent your eggs. Quite a few for you to choose from. Not sure how fertility is going in the LF. Good still I hope, last one to hatch was Michelle and hers were good. The SG/Silkies are for sure but I have not checked the LF for a few weeks. Still seeing bullseyes in my cooking eggs. My older girls are less fertile so I sent some from the newer pullets, so the hatching eggs will be smaller now but they'll lay plenty big eggs in a few months. My Roo prefers the Young 'uns :D Splash Marans eggs in there too, hers are not real dark like I said but she is bred back to my nice Roo and her siblings lay darker so I would think she'll have some chicks that lay decently dark eggs ;D Hoping you get a splash girl or two! A couple of the eggs I was not sure, so I sent them just in case they were hers.
Sidewing your birds are very nice looking, catching up on some of the past week or so, Sundance, sympathies for you and yours. Cynthia, nice hatching a bit back and even better job of finding said birds a nice home! Cooler weather, and I am not so much in favor of it. Installed the bucket heaters in the required places this a.m. Need to make a garbage can of my special scratch mix on the morrow.

However it is a ton warmer than it is going to be… so I am redoubling my efforts to get as much done as I can, prior to the BIG freeze. Hope you all got your fall work done in good time and you are resting on your laurels. Deservedly so I presume. Lias I saw your egg count is down, me thinks mine as well. Do any of you know the morning temp of your coop(s) in the morning? I was a couple of days too slow to paint the bird bath house, might have to provision it without paint this winter. I don't believe the paint would amount to much a cool as it is, and the overnight temps would freeze for sure. But I did get a lot of things done on my pre-winter push.

Hope all is well you kind folks, best to you and yer birds,

Thanks RJ. I should have checked my temps yesterday morning, but I do know the water is not freezing down here yet. At least not in the coop. I had one day with half the typical egg count, but they have rebounded since.
I've got to find a way to measure the difference between the a.m. indoor & outdoor temps. I am wondering if the birds put off enough heat to make a difference. Lisa, I just saw that KSL had white leghorn pullets for $10.00 each. If you have not seen that listing prior. Down in sidewing's way I believe. Glad to hear the Sebrights are treating you right.

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Lisa, got the eggs! Wow, beautiful. You know I love the OE's! And crossing my fingers for a splash girl..if I get a blue, no problem there either! Those eggs are big. I had to put that monster egg on it's side to make sure I have it set right in the turner. In a few days I will set it in there. Will be interesting to see if it develops.

Diana, I'm so sorry to hear about your granddaughter. My condolences to you and your family.

The eggs you gave us hatched earlier this week. We ended up with 4 little happy seramas. Such cuties! 3 look very similar and came out of itty bitty white shells and then we have a very light chick that came out of a bigger brown shell. All seem very happy and healthy. :)

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