
Since it seems my chickens are harbingers of doom*, I've decided to see if they can do something useful like predict the Super Bowl. Last week I put six white eggs and six brown eggs in the incubator. I figure white for the Broncos and brown for the panthers. I'll candle tomorrow and see who is fated to win.

*my chickens are harbingers of doom because every time one has gotten sick and had to be put down someone in my extended family has died. Good thing I have more relatives than chickens.
It's so cheap and easy to have them throw a few in a box and walk out of there! Luckley we have chicks at home in the brooder already.

RJ that is so freaking cool. What a great history your family has.

They had brown and white leghorn, easter eggers, Australorp, RIR. They are hatchery grade, but they are ready to go! All of them were a week old too.
I called, they said they wouldn't have any chicks until the first of March???? Did you mean Cal Ranch?
We stopped by IFA in Igden to visit the chicks yesterday. Already the 2nd time visiting this season! Lol. I have too many chicks as it is though. Hatched 4 isbars yesterday and hatching some of my barnyard mixes today and tomorrow. One of the silkies I hatched in Dec took in the new babies. Soooo cute! My legbar finally stared laying along with that crazy little puffy yellow headed Legbar/Ameraucana chick I picked in last spring in Preston. Their eggs are gorgeous! :D I'd post pics but the BYC app hasn't been letting me post pics lately. :/ If you are on the UT/ID FB page, I posted them there.
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  • Spinning Carrie, Our family made spinning wheels in Salt Lake City and the Provo & Salem area from around 1858. We were producers of them in Denmark, amongst other things. But they were needed in early Utah and so we make a bunch down that way. Our family has mostly always kept sheep and the family spun and wove a brand of local cloth and such. We even imported flax into the area and worked with that fiber some. it did not work out as hoped, but early on one had to try to make anything you could. I of course don't tat, but i have developed an appreciation for all of the 'knot tying' skills the ladies do. Dying, washing, carding & spinning were all pretty much embedded into most of the family. After WWII and by the early sixties it has gone dormant. I kept the sheep into the mid eighties and now we just rent our farm out. Our pioneer farm is just too small to try and stay in it.
So I just love that you are keeping the old ways alive… and how blessed your children to have an exceptional teacher. We had bees in the 1960's and they were interesting. Thank you for your kind reply, I thought I spotted a spinner…

That is a really amazing family history! I have watched people tat, it is fascinating. My grandfather kept sheep while I was growing up. My dad was in the Navy, and I lived all over the United States, every summer we would come back to Utah and stay at my grandparent's house in Morgan and we sometimes got to help with the bottle babies. Maybe that is why I like the smell of fleece.

We stopped by IFA in Igden to visit the chicks yesterday. Already the 2nd time visiting this season! Lol. I have too many chicks as it is though. Hatched 4 isbars yesterday and hatching some of my barnyard mixes today and tomorrow. One of the silkies I hatched in Dec took in the new babies. Soooo cute! My legbar finally stared laying along with that crazy little puffy yellow headed Legbar/Ameraucana chick I picked in last spring in Preston. Their eggs are gorgeous! :D I'd post pics but the BYC app hasn't been letting me post pics lately. :/ If you are on the UT/ID FB page, I posted them there.

The Facebook page is Utah/Idaho chicken connection, right?
I'm looking to rehome my super sweet silkie mix. She's 5 months old, but not laying yet (none of my bantams are). She's easy to catch and will eat gently out of my hand. She's very soft and fluffy, would be great for a child's pet.

Why am I selling this paragon of chickenhood? ;) She needs to go to a home where she will live with just bantams. She is currently in my mixed flock and spends most of the time hiding, only coming out when the big girls are out in the yard. Her sister integrated just fine, but she really hasn't. She does fine with the other bantams.

If anyone wants her, let me know. I'm asking $10, but price is negotiable for the right home.

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So I candled my eggs yesterday (just under 3 days) and was slightly bummed because I only saw 1 egg with any growth. I candled again today and it looks like a few more are showing signs of life. So if you're wondering if a day makes that much difference, it does.

Now back to waiting for day 7 when I'm actually supposed to candle...

So results are in, Broncos have 5 developing eggs. The panthers have 2 for sure, and 3 I can't tell. Looks like a close game ;)
I didn't share Bubba's little baby from my white silkie. There are two now, and they look like twins. I have another pipped, and I bet it will be a red/brown color too..with black on the head and neck.


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