
OK, so I have heard of something akin to 'keeping up with the Kardashings.' I don't watch much TV but understand it is a big deal or thing. Well I am somewhat vexed in my attempts to keep up with a certain member here, from CV whom lives seven miles east of me. Anyway she dun got a pig, and I am looking round and telling the DW we got no pig! (Grammar Intended) and so the search was on, gotta get a pig, and not just any pig, but one that can hopefully keep me in the hunt, or at least vitiable in the chop race. Well I looked and looked, and what did I find, a very cool, kind of magic pig. I am calling her Zera, and this is her photo. Now before you cry fowl, this is of the uber rare breed, the Mangalica pig. Look it up… makes bacon and wool fer yer sweatter. Plus if you don't eat them, or wear hem as the case may be, the get smaller over time. (That is the magic pert). So we are doing our part to keep up with, well you know. I got me a pink two-two on order from Amazon… Have a good one this Sunday evening, RJ
Well. well.... in the spirit of keeping you current...Lol. We sold her to a nice gal in Mendon! So pigs in Mendon could be "in" still.... But no no pigs in Logan are out. Gotta keep up RJ. Lol. ( Indeed this Zera looks like a useful gal!) Let miss K know that house pigs are cute indeed but not conducive to a good nights sleep! Oinking and squealing is no fun at 3 am!
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@LadyIsadora - That is convenient to have such good access to windows! My husband is a mechanic at Hill AFB, and I have no use for old airplane parts.

@RJSorensen - Those are beautiful birds! When you get Zera, let me know. I'll bring up my wheel and teach you to spin. I've never done hogs-wool before, but I'm willing to try!

Thanks to everyone with the info on the ReStores. The breeder is going to candle this week and if all is well my chicks ship out on the first of March, so it is time to kick things into high gear!

Spinning Carrie
Good morning Utah,

Well in the spirit of good fun, any resemblance to members living or otherwise is purely incidental, and no animals were harmed in this or my prior post.
I was able to cancel the tutu and most likely will not proceed toward finalizing the payment schedule of said pig, Zera. That a critter, formerly known as Zelda is running wild in the streets of my fair city… I will have to consider my thoughts prior to revealing them.

Looks to be a stunning week, after today that is, at least in the beautiful Cache Valley.

Best to you and your birds,


I am learning to talk turkey…
I'm officially a chicken mama. I couldn't find any meaty chickens, so I got 3 buff orps, 3 road island red and 3 brown leghorns. They will take longer to grow out which puts me in imminent danger of falling in love.
I have the Magicfly mini automatic. I'm just testing it right now, the temperature works but it has a humidity alarm on it but I'm not sure how to test that.
Hey locals, I need to pick some brains. I just had a failed hatch (every single egg--12) after winning a hatching project rental from Chase Hatchery. (which from some of the reviews I've read, they're not the best) They're in the daughter's 1-3 grade classroom, and today was day 18. I candled them, and they looked just like the did a week ago, and after sharing the pictures on the incubating thread was told they look like they didn't even develop!

After talking with the teachers, we are going to try again, only I'm going to invest in a brinsea mini (holds 7 eggs) and be able to do classroom hatches every year. But I need some fertilized eggs! I'm willing to buy them, but I'm afraid to try to used shipped eggs after already having a 100% fail. I'm in Utah County, if anyone has some they want to sell me! :D
Hey locals, I need to pick some brains. I just had a failed hatch (every single egg--12) after winning a hatching project rental from Chase Hatchery. (which from some of the reviews I've read, they're not the best) They're in the daughter's 1-3 grade classroom, and today was day 18. I candled them, and they looked just like the did a week ago, and after sharing the pictures on the incubating thread was told they look like they didn't even develop!

After talking with the teachers, we are going to try again, only I'm going to invest in a brinsea mini (holds 7 eggs) and be able to do classroom hatches every year. But I need some fertilized eggs! I'm willing to buy them, but I'm afraid to try to used shipped eggs after already having a 100% fail. I'm in Utah County, if anyone has some they want to sell me! :D
Are you looking for a specific breed? A barnyard mix? Shipped eggs are a trial for the most seasoned veteran. I think you will do much better with local eggs.

I work at Thanksgiving point and would be glad to give you some barnyard mix eggs. I have a BCM roo over sexlinks, lavender wyandottes, and a few other breeds. I would be glad to give them to you for free.
OK, so I have heard of something akin to 'keeping up with the Kardashings.' I don't watch much TV but understand it is a big deal or thing. Well I am somewhat vexed in my attempts to keep up with a certain member here, from CV whom lives seven miles east of me. Anyway she dun got a pig, and I am looking round and telling the DW we got no pig! (Grammar Intended) and so the search was on, gotta get a pig, and not just any pig, but one that can hopefully keep me in the hunt, or at least vitiable in the chop race.

Well I looked and looked, and what did I find, a very cool, kind of magic pig. I am calling her Zera, and this is her photo.

Now before you cry fowl, this is of the uber rare breed, the Mangalica pig. Look it up… makes bacon and wool fer yer sweatter. Plus if you don't eat them, or wear hem as the case may be, the get smaller over time. (That is the magic pert). So we are doing our part to keep up with, well you know. I got me a pink two-two on order from Amazon…

Have a good one this Sunday evening,

RJ you made me laugh so hard I cried. too funny you are
Hey friends, is anyone going to get chicks from IFA? I need 2 polish and 2 red turkin. pullets The catch is that I won't be home until mid April. If anyone will raise them for me I'll pay for them and their food. I'm afraid I won't be home in time to get them. I want red or white turkins as black does not do so well here in Arisona. For out newbies I live in Arizona in winter and Utah in Summer. I bring all my chickens with me to Arizona as well as my horse. They are all thriving. Its 85 degrees here today and gas is 135 per gallon

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