
Here's my chicks from my hatch. Got six chicks out of ten eggs. One chick died, but I have 3 buff orpingtons, 1 leghorn, 1 mystery bantam (and one chick from IFA).

Here's a few outside today:
@sundancenbare The Turkish should be in SLC IFA today. I haven't heard from you, so I dont know if you still want them, maybe they will get some in again later in the year. Im not the best option for raising them anyway, I don't know how to pick boy vs girl or if you even still want them.

sorry my WIFI has been down I won't be home until mid april or later so I need them brooded until then. Also I prefer large fowl polish Thanks
@sideWing I am not sure but am thinking of adding just one hen to my flock (we are a little ocd and 7 hens is not balanced) and thought that a Marans would maybe be an option. Do you have a hen available? The catch is we would love it to fit in with the flock so no bullies as we have some timid hens and of course we would like it to be not much older than a year old if possible. Do you have one that fits the request?
Hi Newmarch. I do have an 8 month old BCM girl that just started laying. She is laying a nice #4-#5 egg. Not super dark, but really stands out in a mixed basket. She follows the American standard and has feathers down the outside of her legs. She is beautiful. I would sell her for $25. She is super sweet, never causes an issue at all. She has great type, nice copper hackles, and a really nice comb that does not flop over. Cleaned up she could probably win at shows. PM me if you are interested.

801 979 6366 lisa I haven't been on here for a while because I was injured and got out of the chicken game, so I have all of my stuff for sale which just to list a few things, are 2 Coops I used for 3 months that I bought new for 325 each then painted inside and out then singled they have 3 nesting boxes and a roosting bar each , brooder boxes with and without lights. and tons of other stuff i live in kearns and need money asap so please text only for more info
Do you have a KSL link or a full list somewhere? I'm looking for a brooder box.
alright, I set my eggs just barely (like 30 minutes ago) in the classroom at my kids school. (hat tip to @sideWing for the eggs!) I let the incubator (brinsea mini advance) sit and warm up all morning. While I was there the turner started going and I noticed only 2 of the 7 eggs are turning--the smallest two. I marked them all with an X on the top and an O on the bottom so the teachers can watch them today and see if they start turning. I turned in manually with my hands also and sure enough, only two are turning properly. I played around with the placement of the eggs trying to get them to touch the bottom, but they just aren't doing it.

Here's some info: 7 barnyard mix eggs of various sizes, 'bator set at a 12 angle, turning every 60 minutes, with a 1 hour of cooling sometime during a 24hr cycle. I set the eggs with the pointy end to the outside and made sure the turner was put in the correct direction (with the dividing lines facing up)

What else can I do to get the eggs to turn? It's in a classroom, I don't want the teacher to have to worry about coming in over the weekends to manually turn the eggs.
Im searching SL county ordinances, Not that I understand most of this, but Im posting some pertinent info here. so I can find it again and It may be helpful to others in the county.

8.08.110 - Baby rabbits and fowl—Restrictions.
It is unlawful for any person to sell, to offer for sale, offer to give as a prize, premium or advertising device, or display in any store, shop, carnival or other public place, any baby rabbits or fowl under eight weeks of age in any quantity less than six.
It is unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale, barter or give away any baby rabbits or fowl under eight weeks of age during the two week period preceding Easter in any quantity less than twenty-five.
It is unlawful to artificially dye or color any animal under six months of age.
Nothing in this provision shall be construed to prohibit the purchase and raising of such rabbits and fowl by a private individual for his/her personal use and consumption; provided, that he/she shall maintain proper brooders and other facilities for the care and containment of such animals while they are in his/her possession.
It is unlawful to offer as an advertising device or to display any animal without keeping adequate food and water available for them at all times.
Each day an offense occurs or continues shall be a separate offense.
It is unlawful for any person to offer as a premium, prize, award, novelty or incentive to purchase merchandise, any live animal. Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the offering or sale of animals in conjunction with the sale of food or equipment designed for the care or keeping of such animals.
(Ord. 1461 § 2 (part), 2000)

8.12.050 - Number and location of domestic fowl and related structures.
Except in areas in which the keeping of animals and fowl for family food production is allowed under Title 19 of this Code, a person shall have no more domestic fowl than the following:
Three adult fowl and three baby chicks in R-1-4 or R-1-6 or in any duplex.
Five adult fowl and five baby chicks in R-1-7 or R-1-8.
Eight adult fowl and eight baby chicks in R-1-10 or R-1-15.
Any domestic fowl, enclosure or coop shall be located only in a side or rear yard. No coop, enclosure or domestic fowl shall be allowed in any front yard.
No domestic fowl structure shall be located within twenty-five feet of the nearest entrance to the dwelling, measured from the edge of the coop to the nearest edge of the dwelling entrance. The coop must be at least forty feet from any human dwelling, school or church located on an abutting property not owned by the keeper of the fowl, measured from the edge of the coop to the nearest edge of any human dwelling, school or church unless the written consent for a shorter distance is obtained from the abutting property owner.
(Ord. No. 1671, § III, 4-13-2010)
not to bring sad thoughts to the thread or anything but this weekend i lost my dad who was the one that pushed me hard to get chickens, who helped me build coops and all that. he had chickens as a kid and wanted me to have them too. its funny the day he died the girls were extra loving to him and layed the best they have in a long time, its like they knew. cancer is horrible. please everyone be sure to get your checks and all that often
not to bring sad thoughts to the thread or anything but this weekend i lost my dad who was the one that pushed me hard to get chickens, who helped me build coops and all that. he had chickens as a kid and wanted me to have them too. its funny the day he died the girls were extra loving to him and layed the best they have in a long time, its like they knew. cancer is horrible. please everyone be sure to get your checks and all that often
I'm sorry for your loss. Cancer sucks.
not to bring sad thoughts to the thread or anything but this weekend i lost my dad who was the one that pushed me hard to get chickens, who helped me build coops and all that. he had chickens as a kid and wanted me to have them too. its funny the day he died the girls were extra loving to him and layed the best they have in a long time, its like they knew. cancer is horrible. please everyone be sure to get your checks and all that often

Don't know what to say. Your dad sounds like an amazing man. Thanks for sharing your tribute to him.

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