
Nice fish! My son just left for Alaska yesterday. He says it's beautiful. Stay safe, eat well, come home happy.

My "eating" chickens have started laying eggs. I found one in the yard by the food garden. This makes it much harder to eat them.

I have no idea how to get a chicken to use a nesting box
Also, I have no nesting boxes.
would be helpful.
that little one is my first chicken egg. The big one is a duck egg. My chickens are out all day, locked up at night. Is there any way I can avoid an Easter egg hunt every day besides keeping them locked up? Their yard is not very "search friendly"
So.... I got this feeling; then went on an egg hunt. Apparently that last post was NOT my first egg
Wow! so making a nice secluded box with hay in it and a few fake eggs after clearing out all the other eggs may encourage them to use the box, a tiny dog igloo may work well.
Thank you @newmarch2014 I will try these things. and thank you @Cynthia12 those emo's correctly express how I felt this afternoon. LOL Funny, Sneaky chickens.
My first set of chicks are 14 weeks old today! I can't believe we have had them that long. I guess it is time to build some nest boxes in anticipation!

My daughter was on our trampoline yesterday and the chickens decided to join her. It started with my son's Rhodebar who is an independent, adventurous little chicken. I guess it is probably time to start clipping wings. Only one of the Orpingtons could make the flight up to the tramp ;). Oh, and that is artificial turf on the tramp because my daughter was staging her horse models on it.

My daughter and her favorite, Cuddles.

In the meantime, we are trying to keep the chickens cool in the heat.

I just made my first no crow collar for a little Bantam rooster we rescued. So far it's working great and I can hardly hear him crow. He eats & drinks fine. I am thinking of making these for other city rooster owners. The official "No Crow Collar" sells on Amazon for
$20-30 which I think is ridiculous! My home made collars would only cost $8-10. Do y'all think this is a good price? Here's a pic of our rooster "Bubblegum" wearing the prototype.




He has been wearing his home made collar for a few days now, and his vocalizations are quieter than the hens now....please let me know what you think.
I just made my first no crow collar for a little Bantam rooster we rescued. So far it's working great and I can hardly hear him crow. He eats & drinks fine. I am thinking of making these for other city rooster owners. The official "No Crow Collar" sells on Amazon for
$20-30 which I think is ridiculous! My home made collars would only cost $8-10. Do y'all think this is a good price? Here's a pic of our rooster "Bubblegum" wearing the prototype.

He has been wearing his home made collar for a few days now, and his vocalizations are quieter than the hens now....please let me know what you think.
Looks great My experience with crow collars was after a while they figured out how to work them

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